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"Once this fire of love used to keep me warm... Now it's dying embers set ablaze everything they touch.. Stay away, Violet. Or they will burn you too..."

"If that's true, Summer, then let me be embraced by the flames..."
Scribbles that never become a story. I write such things as a means of self-help now.
I name my characters on things close to me. Violet is my favourite colour. Summer is my last rhyme.
Don't bring me petals
Plucked to perish
Leave the flowers
In the ground to thrive
I would rather have
Your words to cherish
Planted in me grounded
Always blooming
With surprise
It only took one rose and one poem for "us" to be.  I requested "no more flowers please",  but many many many more poems. I got my wish.
I don't need to assert
      in no way am I an expert
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