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The obsession you have with the size of your hips.
They should be smaller,
Don't you think?
Oh, and be sure to do whatever it takes to have that thigh gap.
It's so worth it.
That thigh gap.
The more space the better.
The emptiness of your body.
The jutting collar bones.
Feeling dizzy.
Feeling depressed.
Worth every inch lost off your waist.
It is worth your once full and lushious hair now falling out like dead leaves.
Because you're dying.
You are killing yourself.
But it's all fine.
You're obsessed with telling yourself that it's all under control.
Isn't it?
Theres no sleep at night.
Not when your anxiety is this intense.
Not when your up planning how to skip the rest of the weeks meals.
Use that time to be productive.
Like right now.
Lying awake... obsessing.
But it's s all fine, right?
Because that thigh gap.
And bony fingers.
You're deliriously falling over every **** time you stand, and you think it's all still fine now?
You think it's still worth it?
Isn't it?
those scars
from past stars
you're a wounded hero
Another elfchen, from a challenge I did. Word prompt was KISS.
She is beauty in everything I see
She moves me like the wind blows through a tree
Changing seasons and all the starry host
Mountains, forests, and seas from coast-to-coast
All things lovely are her embracing me

Like the sunrise that's beaming bright and free
Or silver moonlight that shines in softer key
Her's the light that matters to me most
She is beauty

Her smell like flower fragrance to a bee
I run to her like deer to forest flee
With skin so pure like white capped mountains boast
And hue the glow of sun dropped westernmost
Everywhere I turn my heart filled with glee
She is beauty
Rondeau form
He's a fire
A burning flame of passion
But I'm a rock
I'm sorry, but I'll never catch
Turn off the music.
It is pathetic,
Victim music.

— The End —