Boston, MA I invite you to join me: undress and be naked with your heart’s truth. It’s the only way to uncover what resonates with your own naked soul.
Latest News: My new book, "Naked Soul Erotic Love Poems" is coming out on Feb 2, 2015. The theme of the book g 38 followers / 2.7k words
The ecstasy exploded within her. She wanted to laugh, to cry, to scream out loud At this perfect moment of ******; she was whole, she was alive— It no longer mattered If her eyes were open or closed.
Let the king come to the bride’s chamber And charm all her friends and chambermaids. Let the princess walk to the knight’s castle And mesmerize all the guards and pickets. O where such beauty, lo, where such fate, When our will is feeble and our love so faint