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 May 2016 m i a
Thomas Newlove
In a world that is a sea of seductive men and women amidst a sea of seductive beds amidst a seductive darkness we are all just stubbed toes.
Tweet verse is a poem comprised of exactly 140 characters
 May 2016 m i a
 May 2016 m i a
lackluster, with a sad smile
i wade into the deep ocean of self hatred
with my head anchored to my spine
in only the most casual of ways
lips curved into a hint of what could've been
a smile

as the water reaches my throat
i swear i could hear the click of her patent stilletos
against the sides of my ribs
as i try and recall
the way your calloused hands
brushed against my shoulder
released all of the world's winds
into the small of my back

i can't help but laugh
at the way mirrors seem to destroy me from the inside out
my brown eyes seem to condescend
at what i fail become
as i watch you fall in love
with all that she is
and all that i can never be

i drown.
i may delete this later
 May 2016 m i a
Chloe Zafonte
There are many reasons why I don't sleep at night. But I lay in bed comfortably with gratitude that you're no longer in my life.
 May 2016 m i a
 May 2016 m i a
The beat booms
Echoing through
My heart and ears
Just like the cheers
And off-harmony
Singers who are
Brought to tears
By the music you
Share with them,
Anonymous short-
term friends.
 May 2016 m i a
Death by Daydream
Because cutting hurts less than you...
 May 2016 m i a
I bet
 May 2016 m i a
The older we get
The more we tend
To forget ––

Even the people we met
At the end
We'll forget'em, I bet.
 May 2016 m i a
Mitch Nihilist
the worst thing I’ve ever done
was letting the world
know that I write,
it’s not the 2am phone calls
asking if I’m okay,
it’s not the regret of
of relationships or
the running away,
it’s the look in my mothers
eyes when I write about dying,
it’s the regard to kin
when holding certain
emotions in,
forging positivity
and relaying
the antiquities
of struggle,
the minuscule
moments of will
drill into minds
painting all kinds
of doubtful abstracts,
creating spousal transacts
of how to fix their son,
it’s not the questions
about what I mean when I
say my skin spits goose flesh
or my eyes wrap yesterday
in spruce mesh that
eventually frays,
it’s the days where
I get kindred
phone calls
wondering if I’ll pick up
because of writing
the night before
stating that
I’m skating
on thin ice,
I dont want them to worry
I’ll be fine,
but for now it’s the pen
that has to unwind
the noose from
confining words
I refuse to say.
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