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 Feb 2017 Ryan Vallee
Olivia Kent
Etched spicy words on squares of glass.
A little bit cathartic.
Release the words of fiery flies.
The world may read with perfect eyes.
Creeping increase in temperature,
Freedom of letters,
None can see or feel these words,
Dispatched on rise in Celsius.
A puddle in a pile of dust.
One thing is that, of that I'm sure.
I slowly walk with grenades in each hand,
passed by exploding villages, broken fences
and timeless stances
Laundry stained on lines
doing backyard dances.

Dropped bombs echoing the distance,
around corners, shattering windows,
flashbang, all clear,
bullets fly by barely missing us.

See these grenades, the ones I still hold tight,
wrapped up carefully, I can't unwind,
look at me mental
simple and blind.
I'll pull the silver pins all in due time.

Why do I have to walk alone?
Take a look around this place
and stare into the unknown,
I do not recognize this place at all,
this house of sorrow and senseless cold.
 Feb 2017 Ryan Vallee
SE Reimer
 Feb 2017 Ryan Vallee
SE Reimer

i recall the ward,
smell of antiseptic
and new paint blended,
with the stench of
dried on bandages,
the smell of
rotting flesh,
the cries of men
too old to cry,
faces now, too
burned for tears,
could only wonder why.
the clang of
stainless steel
bowls that held the
closest thing to soothing,
unquenchably thirsty skin.
for these,
souls sent off to war,
though i was
but a boy,
my father,
was a preacher,
sent to save
these men from hell...
i knew already then
hell was...
a place already known,
seen and felt;
and flames...
these men had walked.
and when asked to pray,
believe you me,
pray i did,
that these images,
and these men...
would all go away.


*post script.

some chuckle when i, born in 1960, tell them i remember Vietnam.  yet i still weep when i remember.  Vietnam was to this young boy watching formations of fighter jets taking off for a battlefield he could not know; accompanying his father to visit with and pray for the GI’s in the burn ward of Sagami-Ono’s US Army Hospital near Yokohama, on the main island of Japan, a few minute’s drive from what we then called home.  the sights, sounds and smells of Vietnam are etched forever, without having ever set foot on it’s soil.  my five siblings have no such recollection, leading me to believe... either they were never invited or... their prayers were answered.
 Feb 2017 Ryan Vallee
 Feb 2017 Ryan Vallee
she was woven from silks
           of the finest farms

           her core was tonic
           her facade angelic

         her style was majestic
           her name rhythmic

    she was written with inks
            of velvety fluids

             poetic was she
             logical was she

              bold was she
             tender was she

      you see, she was perfect
          but living is acidic

      so i built her a sanctuary
          in verses and lyrics
 Feb 2017 Ryan Vallee
The sun rose
Flickering on the pink flamingos
Being graceful
By the gold-glimmerish riverside
How has it become that,
My fantasies have become my days
I hope this happiness
Don't get washed away
by the waves
 Feb 2017 Ryan Vallee
Drip drip,
Tear drops came From a slip,  
Hit my head on the wall,
My mind went on a trip,
Layed there on the hall
And no one payed attention at all!

I woke up on a hospital bed,
All confused and hurting on the head,
People were standing around me with faces full of dread,
I have lost my memory they said,

Oh what a ******,
I guess im now a gonner,
I sigh as i go back to my slumber,
And dream as i ponder,
Now i wonder,
What other events will come to me this Summer.
I got bored again ≖﹏≖
 Feb 2017 Ryan Vallee
The sewer stink of street trash
marries the scent of desire
veiled in crimson shadows
reflected on the damp pavement

Thoughts silenced by the gasp
of nylons being shredded by possibility
Teeth grip then slip
on the sweat of a humid night

Fireball burns sweet
as night lands on the flesh in city soot
a grit that makes every movement
a sanguinary promise
forged on the edge of pain

Owned. Taken. Willed.
Filled with primal intoxication
that turns warm city nights
into shameless memories
wrapped in the stink of street trash
You are not

A ****** for being a man

A racist for being white

Homophobic for being straight

A terrorist for being Muslim

Or a bigot for disagreeing

Stop generalizing
You're not anything unless you commit the act
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