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 Aug 2014 Ryan Jakes
Poetic T
I start as a thought, with those that think
life is getting too much .
A way out for some through
The different ways are too much,
But a choice will be made when their life is on top.
I am strong as the people let me be,
For some they welcome this thought.
As life is suffocating
The mind has broken no longer in touch.
Thoughts race through a mind
That cant be changed,
As the burden of life swallows all
The mind is a thread,
That could snap with a touch.
So I am suicide that is completed
In so many ways
A thought,
An action,
Then their is only peace,
I am a thought that is even now
An idea where life is getting to much.
 Aug 2014 Ryan Jakes
By choosing between the same two parties.
Is it really our expectation.
That we will change our lives,
enhance and greater our situation.

Now I don't want to be rude,
and forgive my profanity.
But repeating the same action expecting different results
is the exact ******* definition of insanity.

They're slowly stealing your pension,
ending all plans for retirement.
Oh, and just wait and see what FIPPA
And China do to our environment.

And yet we go to the polls,
expecting some kind of change.
Are these who are truly in charge?
Or simply tools meant to derange.

So much corruption and controversy.
**** Harper, **** Trudeau and **** the NDP.
every politicians a vandal,
exploiting our lives with each and every scandal.

Things here are escalating,
and if you don't agree.
Then what the **** happened,
downtown during G20?

When issues are met with confusion,
designed to make dissent impossible.
The people wake from their delusion,
and revolution becomes inevitable.

Raise the bar by a meter.
Or in a way it's our fault.
Do we really pick our leader,
by who can dig up dirt, lie and insult?

Let's stop all this dissonance.
Let's not be known by our apathy.
Pay attention to those in charge,
help better our lives; improve its quality.
May 30, 2013
 Aug 2014 Ryan Jakes
Jonny Angel
My devotion ran deep.
I'd kiss the bottom of your heels,
**** every one of your toes & eat the corn
to keep you.
But you thought all that was gross
& skedaddled
to find somebody more civilized
& less devoted.
But does he kiss your *** in a three-piece suit?
Just in one of those randy moods tonight...:D
 Aug 2014 Ryan Jakes
Jonny Angel
You always loved me
on your own terms,
rolling them dice,
slamming down those cards
& picking up sticks.
Rock on Sweetness.
You go Honey Pie.
And while you at it,
playing those silly little games,
do a couple of magic tricks for me.
Make one a vanishing act.
'Cause when you reappear,
I promise,
you'll think about me,
you'll wish I was there.
But you can kiss my *** goodbye,
I promise,
you won't find me
in a ******* Jack box,
not this time.
Sorry Dollface,
you'll have to find
another gamer
to make promises.
 Aug 2014 Ryan Jakes
Jonny Angel
The shower is a wonderful place
to dream,
to play make believe,
to relive the moment.

You can shut yourself in,
adjust the cascade of hot water
& get lost in sensuous thoughts

Singing &
shouting at will,
you build
to an explosive crescendo
imagining your sweet lover
hovering over you.

And soon,
under a rushing waterfall,
she receives your warm love
against the white-tiled wall
as you call her pretty name.

O, What a crying shame,
she's not here
to catch
my falling star!
Lay with me but love me not
do not risk yourself for me,
words of warning grace my arm
my nature true, 
worn banner proud.
I am too many broken pieces to carry,
torn asunder
at the mercy of a cyclone mind.
My heart's key long banished
by one who walks at night
though never returns.
I will never be anything
but destruction.
Lay with me but love me not
Do not risk yourself for me.
Please don't call me Poet
I am but a sinking boat
these words they crash against my hull
and keep my heart afloat.
They stop me going under
for my soul cannot be saved
it's sleeps down deep with Davey Jones
beneath the churning waves.

Please don't call me Poet,
to that name I don't aspire,
I merely scribble words that rhyme
and sing of dark desire.
I whisper onto paper every truth my heart does hear,
my blood it taints the pages
you will find no beauty here.

Please don't call me Poet,
I am but cold and worn,
my jaded eyes are barren
and my fickle heart is torn.
My resolve she crumbles slowly, precious thoughts do not behave.
If you must call me poet
place a marker on my grave.
You finally got your poem stop calling me poet!!!!
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