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Poetic Eagle Jan 20
I don't know how to move on
Without loving you
Your love is all l know, for now
Poetic Eagle Jan 18
I kept wondering what it would be like falling in love after a heartbreak
And **** why didnt l let go sooner
Let go and make room for new
Poetic Eagle Jan 5
Only one thing is left
A story to tell
24' beginning of new beginnings
Poetic Eagle Jan 2
Always the person you look for or call at the end of the day
Am l safe haven
Or a last thought
Questions that ring here and there
Poetic Eagle Dec 2023
Perhaps l misssed your desired words
But l caught the ones you stirred
Once they hurt, a little tears here and there
Today, l hope my interpretation misconstrued
My fault for starting this conversation anew
Sometimes l wish people never meant what they said,
Poetic Eagle Dec 2023
Once l loved you, you hurt me
Twice l forgave you and myself for expecting so much
Thrice l only asked for your presence, you gave me hope and crushed it

Until l learnt where l stand in your life
Your heart was with everything else except me
Pay attention to when people need you
Poetic Eagle Dec 2023
Today l saw everything that reminded me of you
I'm happy, the thought of not doing it with you didn't hurt
Because once upon a time l wished it were you
The little things that matter
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