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Rue Aug 2018
They will love you at your best
laugh at your jokes.
you give all the rest,
call them Besties, honey and Folks.

until they met someone else,
boyfriend, another friend, and bestfriend
little do they know its all acquiatances
but thats what they called Friend

Basically world is full of survivors
no one cares at all..
but trust me if you chooses to forfeit the battle,
everyone ask and wonder why?
sometimes they cry,
because they dont like how you say goodbye,
now they will call you their friends,
but sorry folks everything Ends...
Rue Jul 2018
I wasn’t the one for you, and at first it hurt. But I’ve come to terms with the fact the stars weren’t aligned for us, and that’s OK. It took me a while to get to this point of content and there are things I want you to know:
I realize I wanted things I couldn’t have.
I wanted late mornings and nights in your embrace, I wanted to go on drives with you, and to laugh with you because I love seeing you smile. I wanted to give myself to you, to tell you how guarded I am and then let you in because I wanted you to be able to see a part of me that no one else does. I wanted to know more about your childhood and how you grew up to be who you are. I wanted to know your goals and aspirations, your personal heroes, and most importantly, I wanted to be yours. I wanted it so badly, but you didn’t choose me.

You missed out.
I could have given you everything and more. You didn’t even give me a chance, which if you did you would find I hate the feeling of velvet and that I’m the most claustrophobic person in the world. I publicly embarrass myself on the regular. I love to sing in the shower, I would dance with you in a torrential downpour because I'm a hopeless romantic, and that I have the ability to eat a pint of mint chocolate chip ice-cream without shame. I am who I am--no excuses, and I know you appreciate real people. If I learned anything about you… I did learn that. You would never have to question my loyalty to you, but I guess now you never will.
But, most importantly:
Thank you for not choosing me
I never thought I’d say these words, but thank you for breaking my heart and not choosing me. I realize that, because of you not choosing me, it’s going to be amazing when I’m someone else’s first choice.
One day, someone is going to feel for me the way I felt for you and you’ll be nothing more than a distant memory.
Thank you for coming into my life and making me realize that I am as strong and independent as I hoped I could be. For that, you taught me to choose myself, and I’ll continue to do that until someone comes around and makes me realize why it didn’t work out with you.
All this time I asked myself “what is wrong with me?” and I realized that it has nothing to do with that. I wasn’t what you wanted, and that’s fine. You made me realize that I am going to be the perfect fit for someone else, and that someone is going to come along and choose me without thinking twice.
And just so you know, I didn’t necessarily choose you either — my heart did
Rue Mar 2018
i thought you were the person of my dreams
you just knows how to make me feel special
you change my self esteem
you have the perfect ******.

my favorite thing about you is your smell
its like earth, gardens, and herbs
whenever i smell the fresh leaf, it always ring a bell

you reached for my mind and heart first
before touching my waist, hips or my lips
your absence made me thirst
i called you exquisite first

id be lying if i said you make me speechless
but the truth is you made my tongue so weak
that make me so wordless
and don't know what language to speak.

your name is the strongest positive and negative implication
in any language,
either makes my day or
leaves me aching for days.

You said you like me for who i am
you put my hopes up
but still chooses to give up
You are just one of them.

#Hope #selflove #winked
Rue Nov 2017
Someone asked me,
what's the scariest part?

i silently reply
If me and you get apart,
part of me dies,
you stole my heart,
Darkness in sky start to see,
the old bluish beautiful clouds becomes shady,
seeing you walking, but not towards me,
I don't know what to say,
I’m wondering where you’ve been,
i don't beg for someone to stay.
but I am asking you now my queen , so please stay,
Stay for the promises we've made,
Stay for the risk that we take,
Stay . . .
Please Stay . . .

and she walks away.
Im sorry? what is the scariest part?
Loving her. . .
Rue Nov 2017
People change for a reasons
either their minds have been opened
or their hearts have been broken
It's not because they like it for some reason

People change for a reasons
either their in love
or they think their in Above
It's not because of the Season

People change for a Reason
either their in pain
or their just in vain
It's not because of people.

But no matter what your reason is,
As long it makes you happy
You got no worries
Because it doesn't make you feel ******.
Rue Nov 2017
i need your love babe,
Guess you know its true
Hope you need my love babe,
Just as much as i need you.

I need your presence babe
as much as you do
i did everything i could
but still not enough for you.

I need you..
Rue Nov 2017
We used to have connection together
but what happened now
we end up being stranger
Wow! you amaze me,
every time we talk to each other,
but you rather choose to avoid me,
deny me and hurt like no others.

You told me to be productive with you,
build some happy memories that made you,
you said i don't have to prove anything,
but you make me feel that i need to prove a lot of things,
You said you wouldn't imagine of me hating myself
but you made not just hating, also insecurities, anger and not worthy.

But there is a but! I am so glad that i met you
I didn't even regret meeting you, because
You make me happy even though in a little bit of time, because
You makes me say that i want you to be mine, because
You are more beautiful than the gold in Mines
Because You...
wrecked but also made me realized,
that not all you want is what you need
that everything you expect is no what you get
Everything is all gonne be Fine... </3

— The End —