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Aug 2016 · 1.4k
The long night
Jasmine Aug 2016
I miss your warmth, your touch, your nearness,
I miss the solid figure I see in the darkness,
When I wake at night.

I miss your warm breath,
On my ear when I'm drifting in and out of sleep,
And I miss your hand, lazily resting on my leg when you wake during the long night.

I miss your presence, your comfort, your breathing,
I miss the way you make me feel less alone when I need it
Aug 2016 · 419
At Night
Jasmine Aug 2016
When the day comes to an end
And the muscles in my body are relaxed and ready for rest
I no longer have to think of the day ahead
And my brain seeks thoughts of the life I may come to lead
All I can hope is that I find happiness in whatever I do
I know that sadness is enivitable
Whether it be the loss of a loved one
Or, less poingant, a disappointing grade,
I'll know inside there are happier moments to come,
The sadness is temporary, and with effort and positivity,
it will fade
Oct 2015 · 731
the senses
Jasmine Oct 2015
That burn into my skin with the fire of a thousand suns.
Engulf me in your heat and blind me with the bright flames in your eyes.
Singe my tongue with your soothing warm breath.
And please,
Will you smile at me with your eyes?
Look so deep
That you can see through my skin and into my vains,
See my hot blood rushing to the surface when it senses we are touching.

But at the same time,
Freeze my whole body,
And stun me as your fingers trace my skin,
Like beautiful icicles brushing against the window to my soul.
Make my ears shiver at the slow sound of your heart,
And melt my lips as I kiss where it beats
Jan 2015 · 1.5k
Is it possible?
Jasmine Jan 2015
Is it possible to fall in love with the same person twice?
I think I have.
Just a look from him can plunge my heart deep into a place where new, unfound love exists.
A place where I feel like I'm falling all over again,
Into his beautiful mind,
His captivating soul,
His otherworldly features
And a foreign place,
where it is only we who understand
the language of our adoration and desires
Jan 2015 · 3.5k
Jasmine Jan 2015
I do not believe in soul mates - that there is a being on this earth for you and only you.
Love is a matter of circumstance, timing and the feelings that are developed with these.
But I do however, believe that sometimes we fall in love and think 'this is it'.
This happens only once.

we are not meant to spend our lives with everyone we fall in love with.
But when you get that 'this is it' feeling, when you truly feel that -
That is the closest thing to 'soulmates' anyone can get.
Oct 2014 · 1.2k
Jasmine Oct 2014
I remember falling prisoner to the sweet
Deep space of your eyes.
Like mine were shooting stars,
Racing towards the constellations in yours,
Seeking out,
A way into your being.

The first time I tasted your lips,
It wasn't long,
As short as a life seems,
When compared to the forever of our earth.

But how I craved them until the next time,
Oh, how I crave them even now,
When I have kissed them,
so many times since.

And now,
we have our little universe.
You awakened
A cold star,
That now burns so fiercely,
In the flame of your

You have changed me so,
Yet I have never been so close,
To my own soul.

I love you, my love.
I the earth,
And you the sun,
Warming me,
Treasuring me.
For this is how I want it to stay,
For a long time.

Your light is the only one I seek,
And I the only place,
For it to shine.
Apr 2014 · 1.0k
Jasmine Apr 2014
I believe one of the most incredible feelings of self perseverance,
Comes in the  moment one does realise
They are able to live, and to live content
in a world with the absence of the person
Who once was the only world one wanted
And felt they were able to live in

— The End —