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 Sep 2014 Robyn
Falling in love with you is so easy
I could do it in my sleep,
dreaming of different ways to hold your hand
imagining kisses sweeter than chocolate
Falling in love with you is so easy
I could do it backwards
I wouldn't need rear-view mirrors
it wouldn't matter what was is my blind spot
it would't matter if I hit anything
because this love is reckless
Falling in love with you is so easy
I do not even realize I am doing it
like going up an elevator,
pressing buttons and feeling the slight change in elevation
but never realizing how far you've come
until your look out the window
Falling in love with you is so easy
I feel as if it is the only thing
I have truly ever done completely correctly
and in the wrongest manner
You make my love grow like an infinite river
a never ending push and flow
of repetitive jokes and wanting to kiss you
but also knowing to hold back
because your lips would crack my sweet tooth in half
your taste would leave me breathless
I can not stop falling in love with you
no matter how hard my endeavors are
You make it so easy to fall in love with you
and I hope it is just as easy for you
to fall in love with someone like me
 Sep 2014 Robyn
If people were like books, I think that you
Would be among the best. Not ****** life,
But instead loving like sweet honeydew.
Your brown coffee stains, ripped pages, and strife
Give you attraction; black letters give depth.
Your cover is deep brown freckle covered --
Not strained stripped blond, but color wide of breadth.
Your words are full of thoughts rediscovered,
Once old, now part of a new kind of youth.
My minds palate savours each of your words,
Every one full of grace and Christ and couth:
The sounds they make from a beautiful bird.

I am the sieve and your love is the sand
               and you'll try, oh you'll succeed,
To fill me with many deserts by your hand.
 Sep 2014 Robyn
Stick Around
 Sep 2014 Robyn
I will throw up words
made of barbs and spikes
that cut and ****, if it means
you'll stick around for just
a couple seconds longer.
 Sep 2014 Robyn
The Last Name
 Sep 2014 Robyn
I despise my last name.
Someone should come, and
Take it for me.
 Aug 2014 Robyn
"i really like you"*

she said

but i didn't know

what to answer

because i already loved her

and i didn't want

to scare her away
 Aug 2014 Robyn
I left today
With the smell of you --
On my hands,
After they made their way
All over you,
On our third first date
And holy hell
Do you smell like Heaven.
 Aug 2014 Robyn
Loving Tugs
 Aug 2014 Robyn
The steel folding chair, is nice and
Chill against the
Back of my calves. I see her,
Over there, doing
All that she loves. Twirling her pencils,
Pressing her keys,
Chiming her voice and gliding her feet,
Lost in the music and
Syllables she floats so gracefully in,
Not drowning but so
Lovely surrounded and submersed.
The pink butterflies
Land and take off of her like she's nothing
But flower petals arranged
Perfectly together. They whisper her words,
Ideas, heart strings, all
That they bring from and back to her.

On the lightest tip-
Toes, she sneaks over and tells me to come
Join her. She playfully
Begs and pleads and tugs with all her might.
Sometimes I'm there
With her, but sometimes, I just like to
Be in my chair. Because
What I first came here to do, was to sit and
Smile at all that she does.
My lovely girlfriend just loves
To try and get me to write more stuff and,
Well, that's what I decided to write about!
 Aug 2014 Robyn
 Aug 2014 Robyn
I will kiss your skin
Like brushstrokes on a painting,
Until they are more numerous
Than all the grains of sand
On that long beach you love so dearly.

They wont leave your body
Until you see the lack
Of flaws in you that I do, and

One day their memory on you
Might be all that's left
Of me
 Aug 2014 Robyn
 Aug 2014 Robyn
She's the sun and stars.

Close and with me, she
Lights up the day.
Brilliant and blinding;
Ever loving, ever caring.
Warming my skin,
Her arms wrap all around.

Far away she's the same
Beast, but distant and
Far by night. I can't see
But her old light.
Still brilliant and beautiful,
But gone, and yearning;
Time and space, an envelope.
She's pulled away by
The black ocean, and we sleep
A separate sleep
Till the Eastern gate
Allow her back to me again.

She's the sun and stars, and
I will miss her till the
East and West are one.
 Aug 2014 Robyn
I love to use words and write
About her. There's so much.

How her lips curl and dance up
Into her smile, or how --
The deep brown in her curls drips
Onto her cheeks in soft freckles -- and
Her deep brown eyes pour into thick
Eyelashes and beneath them --
All her real beauty blossoms

But she can't be captured in words;
Angels were never meant for them.
But I try anyways.

Love inspires stupid things.
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