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 May 2014 Rob
Ashley Williams
Love has an embargo against me.
Forsaken, forgotten, forlorn--
My heart breaks for the sound of a lover’s sigh;
For the solemn pounding of a treasured heartbeat next to mine.

I'll never find sublime perfection
In the face of another;
The arcane whispers and smiles
Shared by soulmates are barred from my purview.

The divinity of a caress escapes me,
The sacred secret of a kiss refused me.
Love denies itself to me.

I stand alone,
Waiting for seafoam to tickle my toes.
Waiting for a love that will never be known.
 May 2014 Rob
As you read this you are traveling 220 kilometers per second across the galaxy and I cannot stop thinking about the fact that ninety percent of the cells in your body carry their own microbial DNA and are not "you."

Which explains why your eyes likely originated from the belly of a star.

There is always a light at the end of every tunnel and if there isn't you should consider screaming until your voice echoes across the galaxies tucked within your irises.

I wonder if the trees know they must die every year for their leaves to become new again. Wounds line your heart like sticky notes left in the sun and the origin of you has been faded.

Black is the color of death but to your funeral I will wear white.

I will celebrate the death of everything trembling inside of you and stitch together funeral dresses for every version of you I watched leave without a goodbye.

I will wear white to your funeral to celebrate your rebirth soon to come.

Many hands will tie your old self to a chair and set the line between real and ideal on fire but only time can turn a flame into embers.

Most of the cells in your body are just empty space and skin is only a burial ground for old versions of yourself to die.

Your fingernails are only tiny shovels digging up a bed of dirt to plant new pieces of your DNA in.

I will cover my best dress in dirt and stain every white hem in celebration of the death of the fear inside of you and the birth of hope.
 May 2014 Rob
Anggun Russell
The mountains will not run
The oceans will not walk away
There will be a time for us  
to be together
If we are meant to be
I'll be here and you'll be here too
I don't know and I never know until the time comes
 May 2014 Rob
 May 2014 Rob
I keep a jar in my corner of my head,
to the left
in which I keep all my fears
along with a couple unheard phone messages and some unused anger. Sometimes I'll go over just to look at them
turn over and over again
put them into boxes
take them back out of boxes
put them in other boxes
Most of them are silly really.
I fear either too much or too little,
But the jar completes the little room inside my head
so I keep it there.
I'll pull them out one by one.
I am afraid that when the sun comes again I will pale in comparison
I am afraid that I am not as much as you say I am
I am afraid after the winter you will no longer need me to keep you warm.
 May 2014 Rob
Violet Valley
I take a hit.
My body warms,
I feel elated.
I crave you.
I need you.

It starts to hurt.
Friends judge.
They reason.
I quit you.

I relapse.
Again I am elated.
I crave you.
I need you.


I take another hit.
I am addicted.
No one suspects.
I hide you.
I crave you.
I need you.

You hurt me.

No reason.
No certainty.
Secret comfort.
Temporary euphoria.
I need help.
Your love is my drug.
 May 2014 Rob
Catch 22
 May 2014 Rob
I always
fall in love,
when I'm not
in lust.
once I break free
I'm reminded
of the deep, black, cold, and captivating hole
that is me.
 May 2014 Rob
SL Weisend
To be born, is to emerge as a soul within a verse  

existing through eyes, ears, nose, and feelers.      
Persistent as the bindweed thriving in a blind spot
and the rat-fleas riding around in the cellar.
All life contains this soul, it’s in; the drumming and the drift,
the way one shifts to their feet when battling the throes,
and the persistence of plague, which
encodes each cell with a rhythm and a role.  
To drown in a river is to **** that portion of the river’s soul,
as there is no way; no lungs, no mouth
to resuscitate waters that can no longer flow.
The soul needs a body to show; the body needs a soul to breathe out

to be re-born, is to re-exist in recurse of a soul already given,
that is, unless, the soul has already been driven out.      

S.L. Weisend-  2014                      
She whispered I love you into the dark
The dark remained indifferent.
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