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There's so little remaining
of my affection for anything.
Even poetry now offers
it's forgiveness
for it's unfullfillment.
I've lost the patience
that carried me here.
I've grown tired of waiting
for something worth
the waiting.

There's so little remaining
of my love for living.
I've exhausted this forge
for its ceased creating.

The universe churns
and remembers little
of its former solidarity.
As gravity struggles
to collect stardust
before the void reclaims it.
Christ, but it must be so violent
and lonely there,
dependant on forces
that shape
and disfigure
on passing whims and fancies.

There's so little remaining
of my need for continuing.
When the morning is a knife
****** keenly in my side.
Before the caffeine cleanses
and imbides it's chemical veil,
to lend a false sense of purpose.
Black urgency,
coupled with a need for exceeding
the accomplishments of our fathers.

There's so little remaining
of gravity's hope for retaining.
When all it should do
is start letting us go.

-Kevin James
10 minute poem
On the clouds
I lie
Illuminates the night like
a firefly
I am deep, far-fallen
into the land of sleep
Mars' volcanic activity
Giving light 
To my dreams

I am calm
Want to know
how to shatter me into a million pieces?

Shut me out

My first instinct will be to pound on the door
until my knuckles are bleeding

Then I'll kneel down and plead with you to let me in

Then will come the silence
it always comes

Because I don't want to be where I'm not needed

I will wonder what I did wrong
and hang my head in shame

Then I'll be gone

Because I would rather you wound me with your words
than **** me with your silence
 Aug 2015 Rob Cochran
You don't get to judge me
by my outward appearance

Unless you live inside of me
and live what I experience

You don't get to laugh at me
or shed a tear at my pain

You don't get to know me
unless you live inside my brain

You don't get to know me
unless you appreciate where I stand

You will never get to know me
by ignoring my outstretched hand
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