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 Jul 2013 Rita G
jeffrey robin
a girl tole me she loved me
I kept sippin my beer

she persisted
so did i

once a girl loved me
thru the passin of years

we never said nothin
to eachother

about it

the girl that i married
(now what IS her name?)

you can go ask her
if you must know

i think she's in the park with the kid

i write poetry
she does macrame

sometimes i help her
what a mess

i do the simple square knots
she does  the rest

when it comes to the revolution
she's miss liberty

of the story
the fullest meaning

she looks at all creation
with a sense of nurturing

she never tole me she loves me
i mean "why?"

if a thing aint known
it must be a lie
 Jul 2013 Rita G
John Updike
She must have been kicked unseen or brushed by a car.
Too young to know much, she was beginning to learn
To use the newspapers spread on the kitchen floor
And to win, wetting there, the words, "Good dog! Good dog!"

We thought her shy malaise was a shot reaction.
The autopsy disclosed a rupture in her liver.
As we teased her with play, blood was filling her skin
And her heart was learning to lie down forever.

Monday morning, as the children were noisily fed
And sent to school, she crawled beneath the youngest's bed.
We found her twisted and limp but still alive.
In the car to the vet's, on my lap, she tried

To bite my hand and died. I stroked her warm fur
And my wife called in a voice imperious with tears.
Though surrounded by love that would have upheld her,
Nevertheless she sank and, stiffening, disappeared.

Back home, we found that in the night her frame,
Drawing near to dissolution, had endured the shame
Of diarrhoea and had dragged across the floor
To a newspaper carelessly left there.  Good dog.
 Jul 2013 Rita G
Screeching screaming
Flat tire
Halts journey!
Menacing night-
Fangs bared,
Nastily stares
Stares nastily,
Bared fangs,
Night, menacing!
Journey halts,
Tire flat,
Screaming, screeching.
Not even sure if it makes sense haha! But i just wanted to do this.
 Jul 2013 Rita G
Morgan Mercury
I said I'll meet you by the water
Just follow the path down the shore.
Follow me across the world,
to a place that's left unexplored.
We'll carve our names into the tallest tree,
reaching up towards the heavens and skies.
We'll count the stars as we leave,
to the other side of the island.
Drag a stick through the sand,
drawing tiny infinities.
and then we will sleep in the trees,
it's safe, trust me.
Look at the skies and watch the clouds roll by,
they were all ours.
We traced constellations with our fingers,
and talked in the language of the stars,
so they smiled back at us and sang us songs to sleep.
There is an island named after us.
A legend of a pariah duo.
Oh, the stories this place will hold.

— The End —