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Renae Feb 2017
I shiver with the thought of him,... rushing through my mind. It feels like a cool breeze on my skin, making my arm hairs stand on end, sending chills down my spine. Just the thought of kissing him, our arms wrapped around each other with fingers tracing outlines, his breath on my neck... I could stay this way forever, he knows what he's doing to me. This is only the beginning.... how I hope it stays this way. One day everyday, you might be thinking maybe after awhile it won't be as exciting as it is today....or maybe just maybe we'll make it stay this way.
Like a fine wine, love only gets better with time.
Renae Feb 2017
Please tell me
my crazy for you
Makes you smile
That my instantaneous
Is exciting!
My true friendship
Is comfort and hope
my emotion
Is **** feminine
Please tell me
My heart is pure gold

It doesn't matter
If I already know
You can say
I'm your kind of spontaneity
That I'm funny
Or silly or cruel
Please tell me you like me
Or better
you love me!
You already know I'm
Your fool

Maybe we'll never
Be anything
more than you and me
Means everything
So please just tell me
This is never over
Renae Feb 2017
A loving relationship
doesn't just happen
It's not like flipping on a lightswitch

Commitment is a process
a wedding ceremony
A promise

Emotions may lead us
Though understanding, sharing our lives
Is hard work & compromise

Communication in dialogue
Is the key
Experiencing true love
Is our own

Love should start romantic
A gust of exitement sweeps us off our feet!

The truest test of love
Will come from willingness
To share in the delights of life;
negotiating the bumps in the road

A mutual exchange of ideas,
any relationship
is the needs and experiences
of two people

Face misunderstanding
open and receptive with respect!

Navigate even the most difficult situations.
Take a deep breath, hold them
in a space of love,
Listen fully with all of your heart

A greater level
of personal transformation begins,
Learning powerful lessons
about ourselves.
Renae Feb 2017
Trust is a risky investment
It often backs me into a corner
So needless to say
Love does not come easily for me
Physical beauty is deceptive
Hair, eyes, lips, feet....
Meaningless, unless to serve
A purpose
Seeing, breathing & warmth
Clothing style...
shoes, hats, coats, scarves... accessories... fleeting
They only dress up the outside
So, now as we peel
back the layers of this onion,
We begin to reveal
The secret person of the heart
Here is where self love is possible
For here is where self love begins
Thoughtful me
I am undefined
selfless really
These are just the beginning
Of my list
It's not super lengthy,
But the value to me
Is unmatched
Renae Feb 2017
I feel so sentenced by your words
I feel so judged and sent away,
Before I go, I've got to know
Is that what you meant to say?
Before I rise to my defense,
Before I speak in hurt or fear,
Before I build that wall of words,
Tell me, did I really hear?
Words are windows, or they're walls
They sentence us, or set us free.
When I speak and when I hear,
Let the lovelight shine through me.
There are things I need to say,
Things that mean so much to me,
If my words don't make me clear,
Will you help me to be free?
If I seemed to put you down,
If you felt I didn't care,
Try to listen through my words,
To the feelings that we share.
-Ruth Bebermyer
Love this poem
Renae Feb 2017
Be my mind today
Protect me from myself
The threats that atempt
to take away
My sanity
Be my heart
Help me not to sway
This way and that
Protect me from heartbreak
Be my helmet
Let me only look to you
Feed my mind courage
Let my strength renew
Be my shield
Let your word be my guide
Let me listen to songs
Your people sing
Bring out the best inside
Be my sword
The only one I yield
Make me remember
Don't  let me listen to how I feel
I know my heart
Treaturous thing
So I know I need your help
In everything
I will ignore this heart
I don't want to assume anything
But you will help me through
Because you are my refuge
No matter what life brings
Renae Feb 2017
Have you ever felt like
Some hearts believe they can see
Right through you
To your core and reasons
They think they know you
though they have no idea
They can't fit the shoes
You've been wearing
If only a glimpse were caught
Available; though it's not
What remains
Is hearsay and guessing

And this is the story
That's believed of me
How they think
I know what happened
Or what's happening
If I did anything
of my own initiative
Why did I too
Feel like a lunatic?
They say I chose my outcome
To fall apart
I am cold as ice
That I don't have a heart

So I freeze
in solitary confinement
I pray for my enemies
Crying tears of silence
Wishing death would come to me
Though it doesn't
I love and move along
Only enduring
That's my story
Don't get it twisted
Now don't you worry
It won't make a difference
I believe in the one
Who's never giving in
He fulfills his promises
& when I pray
He listens

Throughout our lives
We live many stories
Some we're amazing
In all of their glory
Sometimes in despair
We trip and fall
But we get back up
And the story goes on
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