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 May 2013 Relenymous
Taigu Ryokan
Too lazy to be ambitious,
I let the world take care of itself.
Ten days' worth of rice in my bag;
a bundle of twigs by the fireplace.
Why chatter about delusion and enlightenment?
Listening to the night rain on my roof,
I sit comfortably, with both legs stretched out.
 May 2013 Relenymous
Maybe Then
 May 2013 Relenymous
At what point can I call myself a poet?

If I could fully articulate what and how I felt
  at the moment when I watched my mother
  slowly slip away from me and this world

If I could completely convey the oppressive sense of loss
  the helplessness, the hopelessness, the loneliness
  the shocking realization of irreversibility, the finality

If my words could make you feel the draining of my soul
  the relinquishment of having even an instant in the future
  when it seems that all is perfect in my world

If I could construct a phrase that could relate the emptiness
  behind the grief that comes with knowing that no longer would
  birthdays and holidays be wrapped in her joy and infectious spirit

If my poem could shout out to you the overwhelming regret
  that accompanies the inability to hold her, to kiss her, to say I'm sorry
  or to tell her just how very much I love her ever again

If I were truly able to do these things
  maybe then I could call myself a poet

                                 Happy Mother's Day, Mom
                                    I miss you & I love you!
                                            ****'s & ooo's
 May 2013 Relenymous
Traci Eklund
Oh simplicity how you reach out to my closed arms
  in fear of how simple it may be to be happy
  Without worldly posessions in grasps of their needy hands
I've never felt so at peace as the trade winds sweep my hair on delicate sunsets of May
  where red wine makes me lush but aware...
  of the magnificence of this moment,  here,  now.
The geese migrate, I seperate from the man made sounds of the city
  although the connect the dots of street lights seem to guide me
The shifting landscape
  the shifted skew of my life
  five years ago I wouldn't have guessed this far
The time is so simple, slow-moving, sweet
   I can almost feel the heart beat of excitement
  or the beat within my youthful feet.
The railroad still gleams at dusk
  as does the lake shine
  as does the hidden blackbirds and blossoms of springtime.
I now spend here alone as I did when I was young
  troubled, I would run.... to the same spot
  and watch the same sun as it shone
  day became night
  the stars endless candle light
Now I'd ponder for hours
  leave here smittin
  relieved by the gift of life

I often forgot how precious simplicity is as I rush through the day...
But why can't we just lay back in silence
wallow in what is...
ponder like a little child of what may be out in the universe

I lay here now,  alone
Spell bound by what I see
an array of colourful hues and natures generosity
I wish you were here with me

Smoke plumes heave as I exhale through these lungs
This place of mine, timeless
memories still live here
I've come to remember all I have known
and the simplicity of happiness still flourishes here
just got to stop and wallow...
 May 2013 Relenymous
 May 2013 Relenymous
Please don't take me for granite,
     despite my sometimes polished surface.
My strength isn't a constant.
I must bend to the pressures
     of sorrow and loss.

Please don't take me for granite,
     I am not cold to the touch.
I am not resistant to the
     stains of memory.
Granted, we both have failing points.
 May 2013 Relenymous
Will you please watch my stuff?
    I don't know how long I'll be gone.
You may finish my iced tea if you'd like;
    I've had more than enough.
In fact, you may keep my stuff;
    I've had more than enough.
 May 2013 Relenymous
Homeless old beggar                                Elderly, destitute man in serious need
disgusting and annoying                          really down and out, desperate
degrades the neighborhood                     probably feels safe around here
aggressively accosts me                            approaches me hopefully
thinks I'm an easy touch                           believes he can count on me
unappreciative...always wants more       honest and humble about his needs
likely spends it on ***** and cigarettes  maybe I'll bring him food next time
Takes advantage of my good nature       Fortunate that I'm in a position to help
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