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 Jul 2016 Ray
 Jul 2016 Ray
It's cold
im shaking violently
goosebumps become visible on my skin
its dark in this room
i feel alone
im sad
its hard to breathe
i want to break down
it seems as no one cares
no one wants me here
nothing ever goes right
there is so much hatred
on earth
they say it will all be ok
it will all work out
but it wont
now what if i just...
im scared
 Jul 2016 Ray
Little feet
on mounds of earth
Lots of stamping
childrens' mirth
Jumping mole hills
wellies high

How fast these precious times go by

Little voice from mum (disguised)
wonderment shines in widening eyes
believing the poor jangled mole had said

**"Stop Stamping On My Head!"
True story.
What is it about kids, and molehills?? lol.
Aged 16 & almost 2,
they are the best mole deterrents I know of !
 Jul 2016 Ray
i am hesitant everytime
im about to hit send
and overpowered with
crippling guilt everytime
i say "i love you"
 Jul 2016 Ray
 Jul 2016 Ray
She has always had a suspicion
that the boy was on a secret mission  
In addition
She had a presentiment because of their
heated arguments and how they could never nod in assent  
And how he was never quiet
and just so defiant

The uncertainty she felt whenever he watched her as she persistently walked down the halls
Or when she sluggishly sat in class
and as he stared at her lovingly it
made her feel uneasy
When she turns to look at him disgusted
she sees just how flustered he look

All these suspicions it was like a six sense
but she could never suspect
or come to accept
the event of him loving her
Version 1 of Suspicions
 Jul 2016 Ray

kiss your neck


love me anymore
 Jul 2016 Ray
Piotr B
This is the road I used to walk to school,
here's a shop, where I used to buy sweets,
and in this house, here, lived a girl I secretly loved.

This is my favourite cherry tree,
this is my house, my home,
and this is my mum, my dad,
my brother and my sister, happy times.  

I'm not in the picture, no, I'm not.
Why? Let's say because I... I was taking this shot.
 Jul 2016 Ray
No me
 Jul 2016 Ray
there are no stars
in your eyes
there are no sparks
in your moves
there is no hearty laughter
in your breath
there is no compassion
in your action
there is no enthusiasm
in your being

with me.

There is no me
in your love anymore.
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