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  Oct 2016 Bhumi
Oh Marathi-Sindhi beauty,
I did not know that you'd intrude,
Deep in my heart & mind.

Your looks are elfin gorgeous,
I am downright stumped,
Of your positive attitude I'm a fan.

Your daily schedule is admirable,
Not many youngsters are organized,
And the majority roam aimlessly.

I so admire that you teach kids,
I see responsibility in your eyes,
Not many care for their families.

How you manage tuning the strings,
Happy & content you are always,
You smile how so ever be the things.

From you the world will learn,
Jealous from the respect you earn,
To be like you they will yearn.

So yes, the respect grows deep,
Down at the bottom of my heart,
As water to roots it will seep.
The title in Marathi means 'I'm missing you'.
And this one is for my special friend Bhumi.

My HP Poem #995
©Atul Kaushal
Bhumi Oct 2016
Is Forever a myth OR it exist in real lives too?
Bhumi Sep 2016
"I told you to not talk. Then why you're following me?"* She yelled at him.

"Because I love you"* he said.

"Haha, Joke of the decade." She cried.
"Okay, If you love me, then why don't you have Time for me? Why do you always shout at me only because of the work pressure? she further added.

Because I love you he said.

"No, you don't." she started crying.
He sat her on the bed, grab her hand in his own, in the knee down posture on the floor he was.

"I extremely apologise for not giving time to you. I shouted at you because I love you. Person shout on whom he loves. In fact, for whom I am doing this? For you baby. You're my everything. I want you to live a luxurious and happy life with me. Without stress for the future. I want to secure everything. " he explained.

She hugs him.

"I love you" she said.

Because I love you? he asked.
Bhumi Sep 2016
He was small,
He was long,
He was crossing the road when I saw him,
Unaware of what is happening around,
Motorcycles and Buses were passing by continuously,
His Parents left him as if they were aware of the vehicle was coming towards them,
I don't know why Parents leave their Children in difficult times,
And what happened then scares us,
Vehicle crossed by crushing him
It's too late till I get through over to him,
I wasn't able to save him,
I was in the car,
Seeing from far what happened there.
He was a little **Mongoose
Though, he wasn't a human, but I have a soft corner for every animal that lives in our surrounding.
Bhumi Sep 2016
The world is scary,
You hold my hand !

People change, quarrel happened
You hold my hand !

Distance arises between us,
People is the reason behind,
You hold my hand lighter than before !

I used to explain you, covince you,
You couldn't understand,
You believe the world,
You believe the hypocritic people around you,
Who were nothing when we met,
Your grip to hold gets even lighter!

I failed to convince you,
Influence of people were more on you,
No conversation exchanged,
I waited for you,
But you didn't come,
You left my hand !
You left my hand !
You left my hand !

— The End —