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Some things are simply understood
Without the need for spoken word
Others better said out loud
So they may be heard

Some thoughts are better unexposed
So not to harm the atmosphere
Others need to fly and soar
To land on lover's waiting ear

Hold the tongue, bite the lip
Let not insults from it trip
But compliments that smooth the way
Let them see the light of day
Really pleased to be the daily.
Thanks to all for reading,
what a great site we enjoy here at hellopoetry.
A  group  of  maples
stand  proudly  in  the  village.

A  vivid  deep  scarlet  in  color
truly  magnificent  trees.

Very  pleasing  to  the  eye.
You  have  to  catch  the  moment  though
Sadly  the  beauty  soon  fades.

As  seen  in  October.

Keith  Wilson.  Windermere.  UK  2016.

Her slimikin fabric


By God's mighty hand's,
She was swathed in
citrine quartz.

A sparsile separated
From the rest of
The universe.


Unadulterated by the known,
She likes thing's that art not seen;
By day she work's, yet craves-
The fall season and it's leaves.

Though fall doth not arrive
On the island she resides;
So she crochets, the dreams she
Saves, stored inside her mind.


Though I knoweth one day, the
Season's that she pictures in her
Head; wilt be there in her fingertips,
Along with angelic colorful thread.

To make everything And anything,
Her string canst weave to be;
For I knoweth whatever she maketh-
It wilt be perfect from mine queen.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Sardua nagley dedicated( ang aking makakatuluyan) my soulmate dedicated- Filipino translation..
Slimikin- small and slender.
Fabric-the essential structure of anything.
Swathe- wrap in many different layers.
sparsile-of a star, not included in any constellation.
Citrine -a light yellow quartz color.
Art- are.
Unadulterated- pure, not mixed, untouched.
Doth- does.
Resides- her place of living, where she lives.
Crochet- she actually does crochet-and is amazing at it many want Jane to make her own business doing it can find her work on her Facebook under ( Earl Jane nagley) also on her Instagram go see her artwork also her crochet work if get a chance she's an amazing artist just needs a boost to get her going. Her name Earl Jane Sardua on Instagram or earl Jane nagley. Also ( yellow Majesty) on Instagram.. crochet definition- make (a garment or piece of fabric) using crochet. Which btw her parents are amazing at making clothes.  Plz check Jane's work out. God bless.
Knoweth- know.
Wilt- will.
Mine- my.
whispers of sea
where the cold storm
gathers in the grey
sky, and the waves
pound the shore
running back
pushing down
arching like
fiery cats,
the ache of the storm
a tearful cloud
the song of
a poem.
thank you to all my friends at this website for their continued support of one of the things i love in this world which is poetry. i've only just realised this is the daily today and i just wish i had more spare time at the moment to write and review. thank you again to everyone.
Come on my Love! Let us move to the East
Where the sun resurrects after his interim death
Where darkness first gives way to light
And life renews itself every morn

Look to the East beyond those crooked hills
Where poplars grow tall in line
And wild weeds hem the edges of pathways
Where bunnies and squirrels hop and jump
And merrily run round the trees
Where the wind moves whistling through bamboo reeds
Where the laughing cataract leaps down from the rocks
And flow along in silvery rills
Where the languorous breeze plays upon the leaves

Away from the tumult, far from the crazy crowd
With the pandemonium of the world
Hushed to serene silence
Let us move to that sequestered glade
Of perennial greenery,
through the sunlit grove
Where we shall walk hands locked
Till the bright day gives way to dusky night
Inhaling night air in scented perfume
Under the stillness of a star lit sky
Through moon blanched woods, mysterious
Listening to the sweet whispering of our soul
And ‘drinking life to the lees’ from the chalice of love

Oh! Come on,
Let us not tarry…. Let’s go!
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