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Rai Jun 2017
The world is different now
Is it wrong to wish for rose tinted glasses
And a quiet corner of some obscure English garden
In which to sit cross legged and meditate
Whilst bombs reign down
And faiths scream their alliance to God
God holds his head in shame for his children who have been scattered in the wind
Evil lies in the hearts of the broken
Who then in turn spread their anger out wards
Causing chaos and confusion
Love thy neighbour
Hate the sin and not the sinner
These rules you must admit become harder by the day
We have become to humanised
We have become to disconnected
And my spirit cries
For the peace of an English meadow
In which to lie my head
Rai Jun 2017
It changed
The day you left
I know it was a gradual submission
But it felt so final
We searched under every pebble
Looked within ourselves
Delved into our scar torn hearts
For a reason why you would of left
Not here
Not this place
But us
Because it wasn't just me
That you shared your worries with
It wasn't just me
That you took into your trust zone
We all became a circle
Inter linked
One and all
Until it crumbled
We still have so much love here
Across ponds and oceans
Desserts and highways
We would still welcome you back with open hearts and open minds
After all
Your tribe is your tribe
Whatever reason they ran
If only to hide from themselves
From thier truths
Or maybe in search of something to fill the void
I love the way that after so long we still remember
And in rememberence it shall be
You turnt our lives upside down
Sticking us together
One strand of friendship
One doff of the hat
One large slice of chocolate cake
And a friendly smile and conversation
At the end of the day
When you aimlessly wander the archives and start remembering how it used to be ..... Brings a tear to your eye and an ache to your heart ... X
Rai May 2017
It's much too late and I should be sleeping
The restlessness of lost souls
Can be heard above the din
Of silence
Where will I find my solice
No arms folded around my weary bones
I give in
Love bewilders me
So I shall beckon for its caress no more
Rai May 2017
Did you lay me down on a bed of nails and expect me to surrender my all ?
I felt the waves wash over and they engulfed all that was good
Dragging me down lower than I have ever fallen freely
I wanted a lover
But you entwined your darkness into my light
No one heard the screams
The midnight hour so haunting
A chill lay in place of your heart
You looked straight through me just before you leapt
Head first into oblivion
I just stood motionless for what seemed like a million years
Then I turntable and left
The memory is hollow
But it is memory all the same

I beckon you here
But not so that I can surrender to your will
But so that I can show you the truth in all things good
You may shy away
Hide in those self created shadows of misery
But I will  lay waiting
Just past midnight
The chill and silence deafen my soul
My love I beg
I beg
I'm falling
I'm sitting within your oblivion
Surrounded by creatures not of this world
Demons reign and I fear the fall
I turn
I always turn
You may leap into the hollowness of oblivion
But I fear it's clutches
I fear the hand of love
So turn tail and return
To the moment before midnight
The moment just before
The memory lingers
And the strike of twelve is never heard
The venom shared from the pillow held witness by the dark.
Can this embrace be cancer to us both?
Are the words hollow as so is the bullet just as dangerous in a lovers hand.

All will be forgiven one day when the hate has been washed clean and all truths tattered beyond reality.

Did we go beyond the path somewhere deeper than are first intention.
A ocean may drown as easy as the silence between us.

Nothing knows better than the night .
And her tears shed were simply a casting calls allure .
Smoke rings to the celling to vanish and linger all the same.

I am memory.

The worst poison of them all.
Killing with time and good intentions.

Nobody has a answer .
Rai Apr 2017
Tread lightly upon the Earth you call your home
Be gentle in heart and strong of mind
And on days when that's hard
I don't mind being your rock
Your anchor
A haven within your chaos
Tracing your feelings
Suger paper sweet
Yet bitter like lemons upon your taste buds
Hold on to moments
Remember to breathe
Remember there's people out here that care
Rai Mar 2017
Today my head is tierd
My body is aching
But my heart is happy
And my soul at peace

If it will be the same
This time tomorrow
Depends on wether I can bounce
Other people's arrogance
And egos
Away from my skin
Words burn
Feelings echo
Long after
A situation has past
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