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3d · 67
Valentine verse
Rai 3d
It’s easy to pretend your not lonely
You tell yourself your just
alone wolf amongst the pack
But wolves are only alone when they have lost their love.
Like the ocean stumbling onto the beach
Love came
It came many times
But love was hollow
You tend to keep at arms length
All but a few are allowed to see beneath your mask.
Oh how tiring life is
When there is no one to watch the sunset with …
Happy valentines to all the lonely hearts out there . Not all are alone.
Jan 15 · 47
Pieces (repost)
Rai Jan 15
How exquisitely I take myself  to pieces
Only to ravel up the yarn of my own misgivings so that I am able to try to understand the puzzle put before me.

When you look in the mirror
What is it you see?

Please forgive me
If I step off the edge of reason
There seems so much to say
And such little time.

The grandfather clock strikes 12
Tom’s midnight garden takes  us back to the moment just before we first met.

I may just turn and walk away this time.

I learnt that if I step side ways
I can observe without having to participate in this crazy game.

I will follow the fallen leaves into autumn.

Where was it I hid my conscience again ?
I seem to be unraveling
Mind wanders as I drift upon the frozen memories of some obscure happening.
Please let me ride on the hushed whispers of spring.
And when Tom awakens from his dreams I will bask in the summers rays and warm you with my ever ending love.

The garden of my soul is singing
For was it not a beautiful sight
When I was able to unravel the meaning that sat  just passed the  horizon in your deep hazel eyes.

When I understood the answers to the questions.
When I stopped and thought for just one moment
I realised
That the reflection in the  mirror was nothing but an illusion
Jan 15 · 39
Cold Pavements
Rai Jan 15
I lay on cold pavements
Darkness surrounding me
The warmth of summer has left long ago and snow is falling all around
Why do I just lay here
Ever still
Oh but for silence my heart beckons
The chill becomes me
I am at one with this moment that makes no sense
Why would I just lay in freezing animated darkness
Why choose something so chilling
And yet
Do we not all choose situations that hold us hostage to a moment
Chains and crosses to bare and break
We can leave this place
But where are we going
Where are we going
Are we going
Or shall we stay
On cold pavements
Snow falling
Dreaming of a life less bare .
Jan 9 · 49
Touch the heart
Rai Jan 9
Touch the heart
Loosen the coils that bind
Hold softly all that you are and believe in
To be
Just to be
And silently waiting
For you to return
That’s all I ask
All I need
There is so much that you will never know .
Dec 2024 · 45
Soul of
Rai Dec 2024
He called her
The soul of his soul
Child in arms
Joyfulness overflowing
Laid crumpled upon the earth
Ash filled  hair
Dust covered face
Guns and bombs
We call ourselves the human race
We watch
We see
We witness
We cry
We march
All whilst they die
Soul meets soul
Heavens cry
When gentle men lay down to die
Heart breaks
With each vision
Blood on hands of politicians
Complicit in war
They will one day
Meet their maker
What will they tell
When they are turned away
Direction travelling straight to hell

And we moan about the weather
And the tax rising
We moan about Christmas
And the money we’re spending

All whilst their children are dying
Children pray in Gaza
They pray and they play
No schools
No hospitals
No food
Family they lost
All they had

And I share about Geniside
Onto my media
1 like
1 heart
1 tearful emoji
1 angry face at a push

When did we get so good at this
So good at looking the other way

We learnt about ****** in school and yet we would of let that go if we had witnessed it
We would of turned our faces and our backs

Why do people not want to talk about this ?  to make this right ?
It doesn’t concern them
I get it …
Or do I ?
May all innocent souls of any war rest in peace .
May all complicit in war be judge accordingly …
Dec 2024 · 49
Night time moments
Rai Dec 2024
I peeked out at the world
Beyond my window
Late cold night
Stirrings of December
Solstice has turned
Moon rising
Oh how much beauty lyes within the night sky
Can I but absorb this
Just for a moment I am connected
To the something more
The force that creates and devours
As a child I fall  at the steps of the underworld
Priestess it’s time to start crawling your way back to earth bringing the beauty of the spring forth
May you cloth the land in colour and splender.
May these sparkling stars that illuminate the heavens turn to the bold and beautiful sun that holds life within its grasp
Oh how beautiful the world would be
Without us …
Just a moments thoughts on a chilled December morning x
Nov 2024 · 424
Rai Nov 2024
Is it still classed as mental health
When your tummy warns
You of impending doom
You act accordingly
Only later finding out that
your fears were real
People you wouldn’t want to meet
were in places you were ment to go
And boom was it anxiety
Or was it spiritual connection
Warning you of impending doom.
Sometimes your tummy knows more than it lets on .
Nov 2024 · 71
Tom bola
Rai Nov 2024
The mystery of the human psyche
A million thoughts tumbling
Within the tombola of life
A hand reaches in and saves you from the impending doom that
You’ve ran into
blindfolded like a mouse running from the butchers wife into the hands of a Tom cat
Hold onto your tail
The narrative will change as quickly as the handle is turned
And the tombola will shake you from your imaginary sense of doom
If you pull a zero or a five it means you’ve made it out alive.
Nov 2024 · 100
Rai Nov 2024
Taking shape
Like an alien within
Morphing into
Getting comfortable
Taking over
Paralysis sets in
I don’t get it very often really , but the thought of going to a noisy pub even though the music is going to be so good and even my daughter is playing and I’ll know lots of people is just too much today .
Rai Nov 2024
She wants to feel the softness of feathers upon the tips of her toes
Reaching out for comfort that will surely come
She caresses the moments before midnight
With suger kisses so sweet
Like honey coated forgiveness
She smiles into her lovers eyes of crystal dew
Her sences reeling
Twirling, dancing
Like the figurine within an ancient music box
As the music surrounds the childs mind so pure
And yet
There is more captured within
The sweetness is soured only by memories
She paints with fingers in the suger
To forget
There are things so worth forgetting
She sees him sleeping and places
mirrors where his eyes once looked upon her
For now she will see herself
The way he see's
The blood from the girl child dried as he slept
There was to be no more sugered moments
No more honey for him to savour
she had seen
Her worth in his eyes
Such a shame sweet child
She should of loved herself with toes touching feathers
Reaching for a comfort
That would only be found in forgiveness of self
Far beyond the place he sleeps
With mirrored eyes of crystal dew

He awakes to find his beloved drenthed in death
He reaches for moments which never come
Her projection of him so false upon this moment
As in a moments seperation
She sees with her angel presence
The suger he tastes on lips so pure
His tears now mingle with the blood
As he tears her mirrors from his eyes
He understands not
The reason
Why white feathers are falling from the sky
Nov 2024 · 689
Riddle or rhyme
Rai Nov 2024
In  doughnut jam
I licked my lips
And it began

You came up slowly from behind
And moved serenely to the side
I held my breath
And you did say
It’s for your soul
That I do pray  

The devil in
the machine

I heard the crowd roar
And then they clapped
And wanted more

Foolish games
Wicked spells
The youth I own
Had left as well

Now stand I
A foolish fellow
Who wishes
More than ever
That Id stayed mellow

But no I jumped up
Ready for battle
My armour made a mighty rattle

I saw you off
You I will slaughter
Now keep away from my daughter x
Nov 2024 · 89
Rai Nov 2024
Tears stain pages
For the souls
that left too soon  
But etched their souls
Upon the sky
When you read old conversations on old poems and remember …
Nov 2024 · 39
Tall Oak
Rai Nov 2024
Like an Autumn  leaf
That flutters bravely,
Free fall
Parachuting head first,
That’s not how this next  chapter will go.
Like a rolling wave surrendering to the shore
Always beckoning me to quench my broken bones in salted healing seas.
You feel so far from this place
And yet so near.
Hold on to the thought that all is connected.
You ,me, the rolling sea and and the falling leaf,
Tumbling and coming to a silent holy space within the cosmic realms where I find
Tall Oak,
Tall Oak I come to pray,
Will you listen to the words of one less humble?
Tall Oak speaking to the God in you from the God within me.
Was life ment to be so strange?
So confusing?
So full of nothing?
Or was the nothing put there for me to fill with life more wanting?
To fill with love more knowing ?
Or have I passed by you too many times not learning to hear you.
Tears fall cascading upon rose tinted cheeks
I will leave them to quench your thirst.
As you have given me the very oxygen needed to keep me alive,
So too have you given me my greatest lessons and my moments of longing are replaced somehow
With a new understanding
Between Tall Oak,the floating leaf,  the rolling seas and you and me
I find my truth…
Just open your mind a little and let the words come forth  to play ,weave and mingle with all that surrounds us and then poetry will once more dance forth and land where it will.
Oct 2024 · 82
Masterpiece of me
Rai Oct 2024
This evening there are no words
Or explanations for how I feel .
I have become accustomed to feeling a little numb .
Only when diving head first into nature and quenching my thirst for life can I feel .
I will not write a masterpiece this evening ,
I will not fasten  the seat belt
ready for the roller coaster that follows,
I will dive head first
Then regret later
I will allow,
Beckon even
I will scream from the roof tops until my lungs are sore
I will not be silent
I will not be kind
Or caring
I will not be needy or wanting
I will quench this thirst that lays in my soul
My soul
Dare me to feel and I will need to back away and hide in darkened places.
Licking old wounds and not allowing you any closer.
Be careful how you approach me,
I seem like I am standing here with an armour to protect.
But I am weak when love lies before me.
I will not write a masterpiece this evening ,
I will be the masterpiece
Standing tall and feeling weak,
Looking brave and yet falling,
Falling apart at the seams that make me
Me …
Oct 2024 · 85
Tides of life
Rai Oct 2024
Summers sun  now surrenders to the feast of autumn
Soon we  will be bathed in a golden blanket encompassing all the delicate moments just before the midnight frost of winter hits us hard
Oh for such a love that journeys inwards and beyond into the inner world
May we slumber sweetly in dreams  held tight in a love that holds promises of tomorrow
For a while forgotten are the pains of loves lost and broken hearts that slide away from our view, it’s not important now , maybe it never was…
Only surviving at all costs is necessary so that we are able to return once more.
Surely spring will come forth after we have rested.
I think It’s time
Time to open our eyes
The earth is beautiful
and humans …
well humans usually are not
but love is beautiful and some how from the embers of our winters hearths we will rise once more .
Until then
Let’s slumber softly
Hold me like the earth holds the bulb
Hold me
I surrender
I surrender there’s no where else to go from here.
Sep 2024 · 59
Words are just bliss
Rai Sep 2024
Meet me in secret
Between your words, the page , the ink
And the pain in my heart
Meet me here
Amongst the sweat and the darkened moments of regret
Hold me firm against your chest
And surrender to the beauty you read and from your sweet lips flow stories of hero’s and lovers ,flowers and brothers snd  the need
Oh that need …
The one that rises and falls and free falls amongst the crashing waves of desire
Meet me there
If you can find a moment lead your pen or keyboard in my direction
Come tip  toe through my life as I weave my magic around your words creating pure bliss in the form of poetry that knits us as one to the page.
When words flow freely and you look at the page and wonder where they all came from .
Inspired …
Sep 2024 · 928
Rai Sep 2024
I got swallowed up by solitude
Addicted to its peaceful gentle touch .
It held me in my moments
It held me ….
Apr 2024 · 93
What if …
Rai Apr 2024
What if I only get to see twenty more summers and 20 more winters and the spring time feels fresher and my brow though a little weary  
Feels lighter somehow ?
What if heavens kiss comes sooner ?
Time to appreciate all the beauty
Fight against the grit and dirt
Those smiling faces I have held within hands that felt sadness when they lost their grip on reality.
What ifs bring new reasonings
What if I am immortal
What if….
Jan 2024 · 240
Upon a moment
Rai Jan 2024
Flicking through pages of a long forgotten memory
And there you are
Waiting to be remembered
Brought back to life
If only for a moment
Those days of summer
Linger upon a dreamscape so real
Almost touchable
Fragrances of heaven linger for a while
Even when I can no longer see your face
Your soul sings me sweet lullaby’s
Such a love
Such a love
Is life …..
Dec 2023 · 148
Rai Dec 2023
When you disappear from the page
And no one even notices your absence.
When your return is but a passing glance into a world you’d left waiting.
To walk alone holding your head in your hands unable to hold the weight of the world news within your understanding.
To just be
No expectations
No loss
Just breathing between the lines.
Aug 2023 · 361
Some Nights
Rai Aug 2023
Some nights are so dark
That I can not see myself
I can not feel
I know I’m loved
But don’t know why the void inside my chest is expanding like a black hole
Life gets ****** in and through but nothing stays
There is no light
No stars to hang above my bed
In dream time I feel as though I’m falling
Another man would give in,
but I am not that man and the darkness laughs at my inability to see through this moment.
This moment and the next
This day drags and now I get no solace in sleep
For my mind is reeling
My synapses charging
My thoughts are racing
Yet I cry my tears then shrug it off again
My darkness matters to no one
No one sees me
No one hears me
I am and I feel so small
A mere particle of dust
An atom amongst atoms
I must come to realise that this silence is of my own creating
I must want this
I must need this
For the healing happens when we are stretched
When we are torn
I am opening my heart
And that’s painful
And lonely at times.
Aug 2023 · 380
Rai Aug 2023
Do not slay your dragons on my doorstep then make love to them just above the gaze of heavens gates.
Do not surrender your fears and then shackle them to yourself as if your life depended upon it.
I am no fool to any man.
I laid down my heart
You cut me with your sword and my shield will protect me from your hastening attentions.
Maybe I am not broken enough to see through your gaze.
But the silence that hangs on the breeze speaks truths.
And it is only truths my ears will dwell upon.
Sweet words mean nothing if in secret you cast them to the dirt below your feet .
The darkness just merged my mind and heart together spitting violent words into a fierce furnace of powerful rage.
Love those you love.
Standing tall in your need for reflection for reflection has purpose.
Speak kindly in secret as in company it is there that you will gain the greatest rewards.
Jul 2023 · 256
Pulled apart
Rai Jul 2023
I’m grateful for this time to rest when my body , mind and spirit don’t want to work together.
Maybe they are taking a break
My body has broken from my mind , my mind from my spirit and in turn my spirit from my body .
All there is to be done is to lay down the day and submit defeat.
Hopefully tomorrow they will be rejoicing , grateful for each other once more.
Jul 2023 · 187
Fall free
Rai Jul 2023
Raindrops fall free from the sky like the tears of gods and giants that have long past.
Grieving for a world they would no longer recognise.
May we muster up some emotion or lie deep in gutters created from our own misdeeds.
Bring no man down around your feet,
Your pain is of your own creation and so it shall be.
Tell me ten things today that your grateful for instead of your woes of the world that bore you and took care of you.
No man should be your fool to play like a puppeteer pulling strings.
You think of every next move,
Control is lacking,
So you tighten the strings.
Consequences are the turn side.
You will fall from the skies,
Thrown out of heaven by the very gods that weep for your world.
Your actions speak so loudly that I am deafened.
I will not be,
I can not be,
Your puppet,
Your saviour .
I lye looking into a blue sky
One I created of my own desires.
Gods and giants smile
They know I know.
They leave their home to come sit in meadows.
Together we will have the power to cut the strings.
Puppeteer you will loose your power and your puppets will be left to heal.
Raindrops my friend
Are a message that you must heed.
Jul 2023 · 383
Carved in Stone
Rai Jul 2023
A friendship carved in stone
Strange markings only recognisable to those connected by fate
Destiny spins its wheel
Ever spinning
Ever knowing
We were always ment to walk this way.
The day  feels warmer with you by my side
The wind is less harsh against my skin .
But the sea
The sea still beckons me
Singing it’s song
The sirens call
And I wander  the cliffs looking for a treasure to bring back and lay at your feet
A token of my love
Carved in stone
Like my love for you
born from the womb of understanding
Held by life
Released upon the sea
To float freely on the tide that laps upon the shore.
Jul 2023 · 216
Rai Jul 2023
The trees were stretched tall reaching for a sky that they could never touch .
Holding onto memories
Footsteps along pathways through deep forests
What lurks within your darkened mind I wonder ?
May I hid within your brokenness
Until the Phoenix in me surrenders to the fire that lies at the base of my being?
May I curl myself around you in the darkness of the night whilst my soul sleeps , my heart yearns and my body unwinds ?
It feels so warm here
I love that you just accept all my flaws and only see the beauty within.
I love the darkness and the night that holds us together
Two lost souls floating in a sea of wonders waiting to be found.
Jul 2023 · 437
Rai Jul 2023
I feel like spitting pain on the paper
But I’ve run out of ink
Jul 2023 · 298
Just this ……
Rai Jul 2023
Why bother ….
Why …..

So if your always the one to start a conversation
And if you don’t
They don’t
So I guess that means they don’t want to talk to you
So best leave it
Just don’t bother
Because always being the one
Is a little exhausting
And if they don’t want to talk to you
Why would you make them
So you sit all alone
Wondering ……
Wondering why …..
wondering why bother …..
……… just this …….
Jun 2023 · 225
End of the line …
Rai Jun 2023
I sat on the fence.
The end of the line.
Loving every inch of your soul.
From the distance you waved.
And for a fraction of a moment
I really thought you saw me.
An eternity passed before me the first time our eyes met
Yet still
You’re over there longing for something that will never be me.
You don’t know me
You don’t feel me
You don’t see me at all.
I watched as all your moments crumbled.
I cried when your heart was broken.
I begged god and his angels when I saw you falling crash landing into oblivion.  
But I do not dream of you on warm summer nights.
In fact I don’t ever dream at all anymore.
Dreams are for those who wander aimlessly through corridors and walk through doors that hold hope on the other side .
On the other side of my door I find angels and demons playing poker at my expense and I catch you from the corner of my mind laughing.
I choose to leave you there knowing my soul will burn for less than this.
Jun 2023 · 212
Friendship in tatters
Rai Jun 2023
You drink to forget
The mistakes that you’ve made
You lie to your friends
So easily nowadays
I’m not here to save you
Your like a vulnerable child
But back to those vices
I watch as you cave in
So chiselled and calm
Like there’s no care in the world
That can’t be put right at the end of a bottle
I hate I can’t help you
I love you you know
But off to your vices your readily go
A friendship in tatters
You beg me to not let go
But your making it difficult
Hell don’t you know
Seeing you all tattered and torn at the edges
You don’t love yourself and get into all kinds of messes
I wish we could jump back to when life was more mellow
Gardens and sunshine and fires and music
The love of connection
I’m worried we’ll loose it
You drag round or carry a sheep saved from slaughter
But back she must go as soon as gets older
Your court case is looming
You hurt that beautiful man
Was breaking him apart part of your plan
You tell him you love other people or had flings with your friends and where did you think this would end
I sit and cry tears
I’m not sure what to do
You just don’t listen
You will always do you
And I love you whatever but a distance prevails
You lied to me I don’t take that well
A friendship in tatters
Or a lesson on love unconditional and true
But right now I find it hard to be around you ..
Sometimes friendships are hard especially when they span over the years and come crumbling
May 2023 · 187
Rai May 2023
_Moon madness
Energies harnessed
Like a wild beast
Anxiety rising
Thoughts ever running
In spaghetti hoop roundabouts
My feelings are reeling
Nature is screaming
Inside my head
Wild winds are blowing
Sunrise is slowing its embrace of the day
Captured still in sunsets that have gone astray
Chaos silenced
Silhouetted heart shaped nothings
And I beat my drum
Trying to find my way through
The dark woods of night loom too close
The full moon pulls , shifts , enlightens and helps me let go of my ego
What is left
Will drift freely
A bride to the ocean
A servant to the air
Harnessed by fire
May the earth below my feet consume all that is not needed here.
As Luna sits quietly, most powerfully above us
Let us remember
Just how insignificant
We are here
Nature runs riot
And we scream for help
Nature screams loud
We have nowhere to run
We are not listening
But we will be made to to feel
Without any doubt _

May 2023 · 168
Rai May 2023
I wrote a letter
To the wayward girl
The one that used to be me.
I apologised
For letting the wrong people in.
For walking away from opportunities which would have been good for her and just generally not being the best version of who we could have been and become.
I quite like being me most of the time.
It’s the rest of the time
When I don’t quite feel like I belong.
When the world just feels overwhelming.
When I take the smallest rejection as something more.
So I’ll say sorry that she needed to learn how to build walls to protect us.
I’m sorry the foundations weren’t more stable on the rickitty ole life we’ve shared.
But we got here
Wherever here is
And there’s many days left to let the sun shine on our faces and for the breeze to caress all that needs healing within us.
I wrote the letter , then made a paper aeroplane
How far I wonder
Just how far …
May 2023 · 457
Rai May 2023
Just for a moment
I could breathe.
For a moment
I thought I had it all.
That moment taught me that anything is possible.
But also that everything is always changing
Everything is temporary.
Even love …

May 2023 · 115
Rai May 2023
She said she loved you.
Then trampled on your desires.
She said she cared.
But preferred him in the end.
She held you close as your heart broke.
And she then turned away as you surrendered your soul

May 2023 · 138
Rai May 2023
Sorry is a stupid word.
The thought before the action wasn’t sorry.
The action was meaningful in whatever form it took.
Keep your sorries.
Change the thoughts that run riot and cause chaos.
Action speaks loud.
May 2023 · 472
Above me
Rai May 2023
A billion stars lay twinkling above me in the dark void of the night.

I searched for eternity
There are no answers here
May 2023 · 375
What then ?
Rai May 2023
When the numbness subsides
What then?

When the breath
Feels stale in my lungs
And my heart is heavy
Will you …
May 2023 · 239
Breaking bones
Rai May 2023
’We broke  the bones of each others words and savoured on its marrow’
(Joel M Frye - talking of the old hp)
These are not my words but those of a man in passing.
I just wandered along the corridors of his soul scribbled on walls that no longer feel his presence but will forever hold the man, a poet , a friend , a blessing.
Your words can never die
They are written in stars so bright
And oceans as deep as the darkness you were left to fight .  
May you find beauty in death
May you find peace
God dam it
May you find heaven.

Oh but for those melancholy days
Where within our poetic playground we found connections like none other .
It was beautiful
It was more
It was so much more
So thank you for your part
In a time that was a blessing to us all .
May you rest
May you journey onwards discovering all that is to come

To sweetness you go
I can feel this.
Joel M Frye - I shed a few tears today , I’ll light a candle and wish you well on your journey .
May 2023 · 133
Rai May 2023

Lonely word that causes joy and pain and has the weight of the world upon its shoulders .

Only when we love ourselves will we be ready to find true love
Are we born loving ourselves ?
In which case we are just pulling down the brambles that have grown around us to find our way back to self.

Vows made between lovers
To be torn by  
or kept sacred
Only time will tell.

Everlasting renewal
Of feelings that we thought would stay hidden but in reality only sit just below the surface.

This is love
Love is this and so much more
May 2023 · 463
Brok en
Rai May 2023
An outstretched hand
And all I felt was cold inside…

Too many yesterdays
Leaves all my tomorrows just a day away …

Sunshine warms my skin
But my heart is so cold
It doesn’t trust
The padlock is too large
And the key is lost …

Love that is blind causes unspoken pain
Love that is soft
Becomes like rain
Love that is broken
Thats it!
It’s broken
just broken
There’s no more here to say …
Apr 2023 · 140
Rai Apr 2023
That alone feeling
When you feel that no one in this whole dam world understands you
That’s kind of the flavour of today
And I’ve talked to myself all night and even though I talk back and that’s usually enough
Tonight it’s not enough
*Tonight the shadows are darker
The silence is deafening and I just feel like screaming to be seen
Apr 2023 · 189
Rai Apr 2023
Please forgive me
As the world beckons
I fall into silence
Into the safety of my cocoon
I lay sleeping
Reinventing myself
DNA is mutating
Something more beautiful
Or so my soul tells me
Colours will be my armour
Hues will befriend the darkness in me
And then
And only then
Will I be ready for my soul to fly
Fly like it has never before

Oh how in my slumber
I yearn for the colour
Of tomorrow
Apr 2023 · 138
Rai Apr 2023
Piece by piece
By piece
By piece

Yesterdays hollow moments got filled
One thought
One action
One breathe
At a time
Yesterday I wasn’t sure
I could make another day

Piece by piece
By piece
By piece

I saw a new day
A day just a little easier
A day where the sun shone a little longer
A day where maybe
Just maybe
The pieces might fit together

*And the whirling  sound in my brain might stop
Apr 2023 · 232
I See You
Rai Apr 2023
I see  You
I see you

Please don't stand too close
The devil has broken free from the shackles of his cage and is threatening
To take from me anyone that comes near

Stepping back quietly with grace would be your best option
But even then I can't promise your get out of this in one whole piece

Fragmented pieces falling
You crumble at my feet

If only you'd listened

The devil within
The Angel within
He fell
In darkness as in the light
As in day
As in night

Shh place your finger to your lips
Silence breeds contempt you say
But I say it just serves to keep you safe

In shadows we find ourselves
As sunrise appears
We thank god we have survived
Apr 2023 · 117
Rai Apr 2023
I turned
Quite suddenly
It took my breath away
I looked into his eyes
I sensed
That here
In his eyes

Somehow he felt like home
Apr 2023 · 297
Hide, climb or fly maybe
Rai Apr 2023
Maybe we could make a fought out of blankets and chairs
And just hid awhile from the madness that lies all about us

Maybe we could just
climb to the very top of an old English Elm
And believe for a moment that we
could fly

Just for a moment

Apr 2023 · 132
Rai Apr 2023
I feel I need to breathe in the waves of the sea,
To feel him gripping me tightly
A breath of warm breeze through the trees,
He entices my soul to fly
I breathe in your love
It is tender yet a little tinged with fear

I will surrender and flow
I will be cleansed and renewed

Or so I believe
And choose to do so

It takes but a moment to move freely through the abbess

Yet I am able to at ease

The waves  sing in rhythmic motions
Like some French composer in time with my breath.
The trees sway as I fall freely on the breeze.
Trust in the moment
And you
You must trust also for this magic to be real

How beautiful
How beautiful is it all when we take a moment to breathe  it all in
Apr 2023 · 137
Rai Apr 2023
How exquisitely I take myself  to pieces
Only to ravel up the yarn of my own misgivings so that I am able to try to understand the puzzle put before me.

When you look in the mirror
What is it you see?

Please forgive me
If I step off the edge of reason
There seems so much to say
And such little time.

The grandfather clock strikes 12
Tom’s midnight garden takes  us back to the moment just before we first met.

I may just turn and walk away this time.

I learnt that if I step side ways
I can observe without having to participate in this crazy game.

I will follow the fallen leaves into autumn.

Where was it I hid my conscience again ?
I seem to be unraveling
Mind wanders as I drift upon the frozen memories of some obscure happening.
Please let me ride on the hushed whispers of spring.
And when Tom awakens from his dreams I will bask in the summers rays and warm you with my ever ending love.

The garden of my soul is singing
For was it not a beautiful sight
When I was able to unravel the meaning that sat  just passed the  horizon in your deep hazel eyes.

When I understood the answers to the questions.
When I stopped and thought for just one moment
I realised
That the reflection in the  mirror was nothing but an illusion.
Apr 2023 · 133
Visiting time
Rai Apr 2023
Egg shells as sharp as the edge of your tongue
And I tip toe
As to not make a sound on your deep pile carpet
Childhood really wasn’t much different
At least I know how to behave
and grateful
At least this isn’t a place I call home
It’s always nice to come home
Apr 2023 · 168
Rai Apr 2023
You left the taste of your soul on my pillow.
Thrown onto the floor,
Clinging for a moment to bare floorboards.
My crimson lipstick still lingers
upon my favourite coffee mug.
A memoir to a yesterday lover,
who didn’t quite match up to expectations.
A thoughtful moment of contemplation,
A mistake,
Too many times makes this a mistake …
My cup runneth over,
Yet still I hunger for more of what I’m unaware I need.
My hands held in prayer,
For I beg to understand my flaws.
I beg for the memoirs to be sweeter.
I move slowly around this day,
Letting the scent of you to hold me hostage.
Until the next time I guess…
And I place the pillow back,
puffing up it’s body,
as my frailty is replaced with action,
My coffee cup once again sparkles with the perfection of the moment that hangs before me.
A moment of possibilities,
A future laid with unspoken promises.
But if I hold my ear quietly to my pillow,
I’m sure I heard your soul  whispering,
Something beautiful.
Just maybe,
Next time
You’ll stay.
never matches up
To the illusion …
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