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 Nov 2014 Rae La
mark john junor
her eyes are oceans of silence
let me drift there for a lifetime of moments without care
let me know what its like to drown in sweet beauty
let me live the quiet life in her heart
and delve into the silken smooth wine of her voice
while i let her lips ****** me
why am i so lost without hope of her
why must i know this idyllic life in her arms
the sugar of her heart is salty and bittersweet
but oh to taste her presence
perfumed and subtle
soft skin
her eyes are an ocean of silence
bathe in her perfect perfections
lay in the cool waters of her sweet heart
live the quiet life of her
 Nov 2014 Rae La
her salt mine
 Nov 2014 Rae La
she said she fell
for the drunk me -

well, i liked me
that way-better, too

how very sad
- but true

i'd drink again
if i knew i could -
if it would do any good

- to lick her sweat
one drop at a time
all along the jawline

- making her salt mine
one more time.

r ~ 11/15/15
 Nov 2014 Rae La
mark john junor
we sit in quiet reflection
she reads her french romance novel
i do the times crossword
i pause to sneak furtive longing filled stares
my heart nibbling at her earlobes
the nape of her neck in the soft light
her perfume lightly on the air
the sound of her turning the pages
passage of time
as she shifts in her seat
she sips her tea in a dainty way
unaware i marvel at her very presence
the utter beauty of a woman reading
the sensual and lovely way she holds herself and the book
one hand casually playing with a lock of her hair
her moist lips moving as she reads
her form curled into the comfy chair
i love women
they are such beautifully mysterious creatures
they are the center of all wonderful dreams
so full of terrible mysteries
so full of such beautiful light
a woman reading in her comfy chair
is such a beautiful sensual thing
 Oct 2014 Rae La
DaSH the Hopeful
Morning is a cold metal gun placed to my temple
Time is a trickle of blood I won't remember
 Oct 2014 Rae La
Kelly Rose
Raven and Crow
an odd mixing
A powerful child
is created
Guardian of the Worlds
Rare is she
as that of a Blue Rose
Battle, she must
She is the Key
to the Lock
Once brought
Forever shall they be locked
Forever opened
Raven symbolism - Raven- Healing, Initiation, Protection, Magic, Shapeshifting, Creation, Help with Divination, Wisdom, Eloquence, Magick of the Crone, Trickster, Teacher, Hoarder.
Crow Symbolism - Crow- Guardian of the Place Before Existence, Carrier of Souls from Darkness into Light, Working Without Fear in Darkness, Guidance While Working in Shadow, Moves Freely in the Void, Understands all Things Related to Ethics, Shapeshifter, Secret Magic of Creation, Thief, Trickery, Boldness, Skill, Cunning, Single-Mindedness, A Bringer of Knowledge, Swiftness, Eloquence
 Oct 2014 Rae La
She's an alphabet artist
she paints in words,

from a palette of adjectives,
nouns and verbs,

the landscape she finds
in the folds of her mind

she exhibits in volumes of verse.
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