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George Anthony
24/M/England    i’ve returned
Anonymous Freak
22/F/USA    “When a flower grows wild It can always survive, Wild flowers don’t care where they grow.” -Dolly Parton ...Poetfreak is my original home. For more …
19/M/Everywhere    I’m no body
Julia Plante
i love.
Valsa George
India    Spend my time reading and writing poems. Through poetry, one can establish soul connections with the right kind of people. Love of Nature is deeply …
stefania rivoltini
45/F/Cremona - Italy    Lost for words ,I always had the irresistible instinct to write my thoughts when they crop up in my mind . My soul is dark, …
Justin G
A poet's poet    Love is aphotic. Brilliance is luminous. In order to grasp either one must sacrifice the many colorations of joyfulness.
23/F/NY    a secret meeting in the basement of my mind
47/F/Canada    "Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill." -Buddha
eleanor prince
Australia    may light ignite - where shadow sits alone - tell me what you sense - when etchings raw you read - and how my exploits …
Raphaela Israel-Öbeñg
England    There is power in the tongue; - a wholesome tongue is a tree of life - , so I'll let my mouth be abundant and …
Darrel Weeks
48/M/Derbyshire    And now we rise And we are everywhere Nick Drake
Portland, ME    nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands
Tia White
Mary-Taylor Valand
28/Gender Nonconforming/denver, co    work for your own bliss and it will spread
Pig Town    Living is deaths waiting room. Instead of crappy magazines you're given a book and a pen. Write a good fucking story.
Don Bouchard
65/M/Minnesota    Married 44 years (& counting) to the one love of my life. College professor, Rancher, Grandpa (Papa), Friend of God
Ayu Prameswari
Anitha Panicker
Anitha Panicker, is an Indian poet/short story writer in Malayalam language
phil roberts
M/north-west england    My motto is: I hope to die laughing.......but not today :) Phil Roberts
Jeff Stier
Western Oregon    Ars longa, vita brevis.
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