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 Dec 2020 r
“It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love one another and support one another. We have nothing to lose but our chains.”
-Assata Shakur
The personal is always political and the political is always personal.
 Dec 2020 r
james nordlund
Vote Joe
 Dec 2020 r
james nordlund
He just gave a great talk at a townhall,
"our country needs healing to restore
our great union from the chaos
and sowing of seeds of division
by the current administration.

While love can't drive out it's opposite,
because love's not a physical force
like what those who abuse use, is,
it can enlighten others to not fall for
heartache, mercenaries for more and their tricks.

"Murphy's law's, if something can go wrong it will".
It became, 'if Murphy can f something up he will',
then, 'Murphy's going to f everything up'.
'An ounce of prevention's worth a pound of cure'.
Our nation needs him, vote early, help GOTV, please.
Thanx for all you All do.  Copy, share as you will.  "To walk in seasons Is to question, A flower is opening", Basho.  Write on.  Have a great day   :)   reality
 Dec 2020 r
james nordlund
Convolution's coming to the fore', with him
putting rumpettes " his Cabinet, Admin.".

But, of cour', when we think the as backwards
crew's in our rearview, their rule reigns.

The world knows they're every moment traitors
for e'er more, and ne'er were nothin' more.

Colluding to collaborating with their destruction
of nation, cannibalizing the pieces,

is treason too, it's not "stopping partisanship",
not "bringing a country together", not "healing",

only hurting, 'I undo the wraps from my
wounded heart', "...we(e),...", are keeping it's

broken pieces from falling apart with, 'covid's
gotta be stopped, gotta save quarter million lives',

'Ossoff and Warnock need us to help GOTV,
donate, to win GA's Senate seats for US',

but, it'll never be the same.  Thought crime
replicating la machine, the show that must, goes on?
"I undo the wraps from my wounded heart", in the poem.  Thanx for all you All do.  "To walk in seasons Is to question, A flower is opening.", Basho.  If it ain't fixed don't break it.  It only takes one illage to destroy a village, tragically.  Have a good day   :)   reality
 Dec 2020 r
james nordlund
126 GOP Representatives signed onto the latest attempt
by **** of Utin and his rumpettes, like Moscow Mitch,
Utin's puppets all, following vlad-the-impaler's orders,
to e'er further press their case for overturning the will
of the people in our recent fair election for President,
to the Supremacy Court, where they were sure their
cries of supposed "irregularities" would win them their
criminally insane day, keep our king-kong sized
terrible-two, who's going on six, illegally installed in
the Black House.  It took the conservative Court but
126 words to bury their megalomania, dreams of grandeur.

350,000 of my and your fellow Americans have been
exterminated by them so far, pandemiced, a purposely
not prevented 9-11-01 terrorist attack's victim's toll
per day, every single minute another murdered
premeditatedly by them, more will have been ended
by them here before this is over than killed by all
our enemies in the entirety of this nation's history,
including their cherished civil war.  Joe's installing
them in his Cabinet, Admin., instead of cleaning house?
How on God's green Earth do they still steal breathe
from the Amazon forests, Gaia's lungs, which they

can't seem to destroy quick enough.  The head of TX's
GOP just said that "...****'s States should secede...",
to paraphrase.  "...We(e),...", say, one and all, please,
we beg of you, do, then we can prosecute and execute
every single one of you members of ****'s int'l crime
family, legal like.  Your talk of secession for going on
a century has obviously been no more than gabbing of
all hat cowboys playing at being men, cowards all.
The Bible says it, "don't covid thy neighbor's wife",
but, I guess you don't read much.  People, as sure as
you live, they will eventually **** you, death be proud!
Happy HanKwanMas.  If Boudica were alive today she'd say, better to live only as long as a May fly, a day, on your feet, than as long as an eagle flies, on your knees.  If it ain't fixed don't break it.  If you're not taking bullets you're making them.  Stay a light, stay alive.  Thanx for the good contest and all you All do.  Have a great day   :)   reality
 Dec 2020 r
james nordlund
Starshine, I delight in, even if you're all
that's left of brilliant one, traveling
100,000's of years to this eye,
your shine will e'er be, for all eternity,
for I see you, now, you're being me too.

Ne'er a false-flag upon this brow, e'er bowed,
never cowered, humility's task at hand,
basking in the grind, as darkness must abound
light, just another body on la machine's
gears, blood may be no more than grease,

a tease, possibly, as I'm love, always will be,
to their delight, as they only strike
while the iron's hot, every moment,
as I must be not.  While their might
might make right, it e'er makes wrong, so

fraternity's song, shadows mimic whilst
speaking of light, rules, to the wee's
delight, as their dance of dark/light,
like agua uncontainably articulating,
sprouts wings, alights, takes flight.
Happy HanKwanMas.  Inspired by line, " tilted brain found a home in your lapis skies...", by JCA.  Thanx for the great contest and all you All do.  Have a good day   :)   reality
 Nov 2020 r
 Nov 2020 r
Upon the satin clouds
Rivers of black parch the night.
Rainbows fade into shadows
And the moon becomes caustic

Thirteen moons break the back
As the ground wonders about.
Tiny lakes tell a tale
And the ears hear not

What shall the owl cry?
As the crevices fill with salt
What shall the ravens devour?
As the grass grows green

How shall the pages be turned?
No story for the words to tell.
Will the tree remember the broken branch?
As the leaves fail to grow.

Will the dirt whisper to the stones?
Or shall they scream at the worms?
What shall my name become?
As tomorrow curses today
 Nov 2020 r
Devils Play
 Nov 2020 r
Perilous dictation
Hammering the strings of consequence

Devils lullaby
Singing a song to never be written again

Deafened ears
Screaming for a peaceful rhythm

Beg, beg no more
For tomorrow shall never see today
Keep the applause to a dull roar
For an ovation shall not honor the pleas.

As the lights dim
And the curtains close
Gather your gaze to yesterday
For tomorrows answer cant be found today
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