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Chris Aug 2015
why'd it take you breaking my heart
In two, to
Make you a better person?
Chris Aug 2015
Something about cold lips makes me warm.
Something about your voice sighing a swear
Into my neck, makes me grip the bed.
Something about you makes me moan.

Imagine me pressing my hand into your nape
And dancing down your back.
Your skin is so special
I can't pull away.
Tattoo your body onto mine,
So we can do this forever.

Play me soft, now loud
Let's make music with our bodies
Chaotic choruses under moonlight
Shaky strums finding our song
Just right.

The silence in between kisses is golden when
I can hear you begging for more.
Let me explore so I can find my favorite spots,
And yours.

Something about my name on your lips
Gets me shivering.
Something about your body rips
Me apart and puts me together again.
There's something about you
That no one else can outdo.
There's some things that you do
That no one else knows how to.
you really turn me on
Chris Aug 2015
Please remember me as something happier
Than the sinking of your heart
To the bottom of your chest.
I'm not the thing that pulls the air from the room.

Please remember me as something stronger,
Maybe nobler,
Than a stopwatch dangled from a fraying rope
Having staring contests with falls.

Please remember
I am not the pillow you're punching
Please remember this was not about you
And believe I never meant it to.

Tell me about love
How your mom is doing fine
Tell me about the girl from class
And how Sam drank too much wine.
But don't call me to scream.

Think of me at peace
Not someone who ran out too soon
With the door wide open.
Remember when I got you drunk
On full moons.
But don't let me occupy your mind.

Please remember,
It does get better.
You don't just get
"Used to it."
  Aug 2015 Chris
1.I miss the way you laughed at my singing because you felt I always "tried too hard."

2. I miss you giving me the cold shoulder. It meant you cared. But now it means something else.

3. I miss how awake and alert you are in the morning. I miss pushing you and your too much energy self off because I wasn't awake enough yet.

4. I miss your sarcastic jokes that were always followed by a hug and a "I love you" with a chuckle.

5. I miss how silly our conversations were. We talked about everything and anything. You would say "How the hell did the universe come up with you?"

6. I miss the more deep conversations. You looked at the ground while my fingertips drew circles on your back. Your eyes would close and you slowed your breathing. I miss the stillness and that silence. Theres nothing I wouldn't give to trade this silence for that silence.

7. I miss the play fighting. I remember one time someone said "At first, I thought you guys were being serious but then I saw the way he looked at you." If only you could look at me like that again. Like nothing else mattered.

8. I miss your arms and the way it made me feel like I spent all of my life being in the wrong places. The only place, the one place, I belonged was in your arms.

9. I miss your awful jokes. I miss laughing not because I thought it was funny but because you said it and nothing made my heart feel more joy than you.

10. I miss you. I miss the amount of pride I felt standing next to you. I miss the fighting and the screaming and the slamming doors and the making up and the heartache and the pain. It was everything and nothing. It was painful but wonderful. It was all that I imagined love to be. I can't seem to say goodbye but I know you want me to.
I break everything I touch and maybe that is why this never worked.
Chris Aug 2015
There's ****** up,
Then there's
Ruining yourself enough
To forget you and your circumstances
Just for a few hours of sleep.
Chris Aug 2015
******* for making my head hurt.
I want to shake myself off
And float away from here.
I want to stop seeing and hearing
And thinking of you.

Stay away from me and stop
Sending me back to the first square
Of the board.
I don't want to keep tapping myself
Through each step of the game.

My head is dull and not here
And I can't stop seeing your smile
Wrought into my eyes
The harder I shut my world down
The more it grows in size.

You're a **** good liar
When I look at you and think
My love still might be there.
Well I don't want to be here
I don't want to be here,
With you.
We're playing tug of war and
I'm afraid to pull and pull
And find you cut the wire (again).
Chris Aug 2015
I hate not knowing a dream
From a memory.
Like is that tattoo on your shoulder
You're too distant for me to test it gently.
My hand even shakes at the thought
Of its flesh reuniting with yours
Oh god,
My fingers whimper like dogs,
Begging for more.

But there's nothing to touch.

I think I've been here before
But your things are a bit fuzzy,
Like the drawings on your door
That I never laid attention to.
This night can't be real
Because it's going too well.
But I'll keep up the charade
Even though, I know, your eyes are gray
Not blue.
I'll pretend not to notice a little longer.

Maybe I should have stayed asleep.

Dreams leave me hungry for the real
Taste of you
That I won't wake up to.
I can't remember your precious voice but
Before I woke up you said,
"Moving on for me is just as hard."
But I knew that statement couldn't be true
Even from a dreamed you.
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