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Feb 2016 · 691
The Throne Lust
Pranoot Hatwar Feb 2016
Trails are being rubbed,
New bridges are built.
Garden are full
Of fake plants without roots.

Voids of the past,
Being tried to heal,
Swords are polished,
Swords of steel.

Shields are up,
Guards are out,
Its planned and being done,
not so loud.

Yeah its fake,
So disturbed I was ,
So, I tried to figure,
The reason the cause.

Its Amongst them all,
The blacks and the reds,
And All is being done,
To be ace of spades
Jun 2015 · 718
An Obscure Riddle
Pranoot Hatwar Jun 2015
I inhaled the Whole of Ether,
Consumed every minute particle,
All the Juvenile Mammoth Stars,
Even the Infants,
From the Ecstatic Scintillating galaxies,
The entire Darkness of the Universe,
while the Space was still breathing,
And I heard it, Yes,
I heard it’s beats still wishing,
Wishing for this ice to break,
But I can’t hear it anymore,
Maybe, it’s desire to breath Extinguished !
Or Maybe, it’s still alive,
But, Your Ego was what ‘Silenced’ it !
May 2015 · 615
Your Concealed Smile
Pranoot Hatwar May 2015
Clouds so ‘Dark’ you are,
And that’s why you weep,
But there’s this ‘Sun’,
You’ve been hiding,
I could see the Silver lining,
Look behind, it was there,
It has been and it will be.
Or weep out all the pain,
Shed those tears upon earth,
People won’t mind,
sopping up, I’m sure,
If that’s worth,
someone’s adorable smile!
May 2015 · 644
Free Bird
Pranoot Hatwar May 2015
The voice in my head, speaks to me,
That I could dance in the rain, play around the trees,
Paint up the clouds, chase the flies,
Lie on the hay, Or could sing with the Jay
While I’ll wait for your come back,
In the meadows, under the bright blue sky,
Where free as a bird, my thoughts could fly.
May 2015 · 643
Tale of a Wandering Cloud
Pranoot Hatwar May 2015
The dark curtains,
of blue and orange,
That silver lining,
Regularly irregular and strange.
Manifested the canvas,
Flawlessly with elegance.
Yes, picturesque it was,
The Story it portrayed.
It is the life we try to live,
which has a light parts and few dark,
but it all is important,
For together they look Adorable
In each chronicle of a Wandering 'soul'
May 2015 · 493
On the Expedition
Pranoot Hatwar May 2015
My companion were,
those fluffy clouds,
and the east winds.
While I walked and walked around,
But as the time slipped,
And I was thirsty and sweaty,
I stared at the road and realized,
Roads are surely the best companion,
At least they don’t leave you,
Till you reach your destination
May 2015 · 548
Wrote to Hide
Pranoot Hatwar May 2015
Happened to Splurge,
Laughed to Joy,
Constrained to Judge,
Analysed to Define.
Shared to Cheer,
Thought to Decide,
Dissolved to Perish,
Promised to Abide.
Changed to Accept,
Dreamt to Glide,
Loitered to Manifest,
Wrote to Hide.
Confessed to Share,
Reacted to Flood,
Wished to Embark,
Expected. Period.
It was well,
And well it was,
Till I expected,
Expectation was the reason,
Reason for the 'Fall'.
May 2015 · 776
Broken Goblet
Pranoot Hatwar May 2015
Tangled in the misery of life
I walked and walked
To untangle those knots
Which I realized in the journey till now.
Holding that Goblet,
Goblet we both discovered with time ,
The Goblet made of trust and faith,
And love and care,
The Goblet that reflects the light,
The light which was holy,
But it is now old, and grungy
Portraying marks of all those fierce fights.
It's said old Is gold,
But sometimes old makes things tender and weak,
With time though it seem valued
But what degraded was strength.
Strength to bear all those screams,
Strength to bear Silence.
So, clenched the glass,
Clenched to fortify it.
Never I realized its strength,
I trusted the time more,
And yes the glass did break,
For you left it and I was the only one to protect.
Yes glass broke for I clenched it hard.
Leaving my palm,
Bleeding in red.
May 2015 · 445
That Flame
Pranoot Hatwar May 2015
Why I fostered the flame?
Which was on brink of death,
From chills of drift,
And splash of loath,

I fostered the flame,
With all I had,
To let it light,
and give the warmth.

With that warmth it showed,
I melted though,
For the flame was worth,
And the melt was too.

Through thick and thin,
I fostered the flame,
Flame which is now burning bright,
But not for me it was,
Neither the warmth,
Nor the light !
Beautiful things are worth protecting!
May 2015 · 504
Unchained !
Pranoot Hatwar May 2015
Waiting in the meadows,
Under the bright blue sky,
Free as a bird,
My thoughts wish to fly.
Apr 2015 · 531
Bulls Eye
Pranoot Hatwar Apr 2015
Sometimes bullet matters,
Not the skill of assassin,
To hit the target subtly.
More it got subtle,
More it gave the pain,
Kills that to death,
And with the bloodstain.
And finally something hit subtly,
Cold was the gun,
This time I am sure bullet hit it,
"Ego" they call the bullet
And that was the "pun"  !
Human Being with traits.
Neither I am the God,
Nor are you.
Apr 2015 · 350
Heaven !
Pranoot Hatwar Apr 2015
Yes, here the sun set,
even before it rose.
but not there, somewhere I know
somewhere where three eyed raven told,
that is where I wish to go,
where it's just me, that sun and you,
and it'll be my heaven, you know!
2 min poem!
Apr 2015 · 550
Pranoot Hatwar Apr 2015
It rained heavily
Voids were filled.
There after the sun came
Scorching heat cracked it further.
Path adored their *******,
of the sun and the clouds,
But the path was left blistered,
the path which was tied,
yes, they cracked the path
and even gave the voids !!
Apr 2015 · 491
Old Strings Attached !
Pranoot Hatwar Apr 2015
Everyone  adored the *******,?
his fingers had with them.
But now, his fingers bleed,
?bleed in red from the cuts he had had,
?for he plucked them hard.
?Lessons it taught him,
worth every dime.
Tuned it seems,
but still it annoyed him.
Maybe it was time,?
Time to change,? those old, rusted, strong?
but hurting strings.?
Yes maybe it is time,?
Time to cut the old strings.
Guitar it is, isn't it ?
Apr 2015 · 370
Pranoot Hatwar Apr 2015
With every tear drop,
Bond with one starts to perish,
With every tear drop,
Bond with other starts to cherish !!
Apr 2015 · 534
Tale of Two Souls !
Pranoot Hatwar Apr 2015
One was always at the back,
Moved With the same pace,
Gracefully following the other,  
Trying to chase down,
To be one just like before,
To feel completely,
And have the *******.
The closer they got,
The lower they got ,
And finally they met
They met after travelling years,
Both following the other for miles,
Waited this long just to meet
And separation they feel,
They feel after the fall into sea.
So that they could rise again
To follow each other,
In search of the right one
To meet them,
Those waves rise again.
To fall and get lost,
and rise again.
Circle of Life it is. The two souls  in search of each other in every life.
Apr 2015 · 1.2k
Pranoot Hatwar Apr 2015
In the space blue and dark,
twinkled the tiny little stars.
At door he stood,
gazed into infinity,
gazed to figure out,
the figures they portrayed.
Wet were his eyes,
satisfied was his expression,
for he knew he had chosen the wrong train,,
but right was the destination.
Its hard to figure out everything which is going on.
That is what the poem is all about.
Apr 2015 · 314
Pranoot Hatwar Apr 2015
The more you need,
Stronger gets the zeal,
The more you get,
always less it feels.
Apr 2015 · 387
Those pair of Glasses
Pranoot Hatwar Apr 2015
Angry they make me,
each time I trust my glasses.
Reality is what I wish to see,
virtual is what they show.
Glasses cannot change for sure,
maybe I need to change them.
Feb 2015 · 448
That Season !
Pranoot Hatwar Feb 2015
I still remember that dreadful time
That season !
When the sun set in shame,
The tides refused to rise,
No bird ever sang,
The rhyme of valor of warrior wise.
The leaves stopped to shed,
Every lane in the town was blood red,
Just remember how dreadful it got,
When the ice gave us warmth,
And the fire began to freeze instead.
Nights were even more darker,
Days got gloomy,
Stars never twinkled,
World was getting doomy.
The silverlight of moon,
all thought to be a boon,
also perished in dark,
as hope broke it down too, soon!
Clouds they thought
were merciful in town,
until pain and sorrow it was
which they poured upon.
Was it a reality
or the lucid dream.
Or the reality trapped me in the dream,
I never wished to be in.
I still remember when I asked it,
"Is it dream or reality?"
and he said,
"I am in you but you have always been in me!"
Yes, how can I forget,
that when it all happened
and my conscience was reason,
How can I forget that dreadful time
that dreadful season.
Mind plays its games ! and we are the ones who face the result !
Feb 2015 · 413
Ghost I am !
Pranoot Hatwar Feb 2015
Ghost I am
In air i'll disappear.
I am the sunrise
I am the sunset,
I am the time,
I am even the frost breeze
that kills you to death.
With you i'll never be
yet i'll reside in you,
for I am the air,
you inhale
and I am the ghost,
of your fairy tale!
Jan 2015 · 537
Change I Need !
Pranoot Hatwar Jan 2015
Through the woods,
I marched in dark.
To conquer me,
to conquer power.

Chilling wind froze,
my body, my head!
On my way, were
thousands of dead.

I need a change,
so, I marched ahead.
For what I want,
to make a change.

To slay the foe,
I rose my blade.
He rose his too,
who was on my way.

My hand stood still,
for the foe I wished to see.
Shiny mirror it was,
and the foe was me !
Sometimes we need to change ourselves to change the world !
Jan 2015 · 465
Like a Fool!!
Pranoot Hatwar Jan 2015
Even if I want,
Sometimes i just can't
Sometimes I feel it could be,
Or it could be not
Your answer is a question to me
To the bond we just formed
"Maybe "I expected ,
"Maybe not " you thought.
Every truth you say seems lie to me,
And truth i speak makes you a freak.
You used to laugh at my silly jokes,
But now your always busy with your new folks.
The long night walk with hand in hand,
Now feels umsycronised like a local band.
Never I figured why you used me as a tool,
When I carelessly loved you like a fool.
Even when am close to you it feels to far,
You seem to perish in sky like a shooting star!!
Inspired by the song 'like a fool' from the movie begin again
Jan 2015 · 409
Foot Prints!
Pranoot Hatwar Jan 2015
An obstacle they call
life's a complete package of all!!
He took a deep breadth,
stopped to see, cherish,
agitate, revolt and feel the moment!
"Oh ! My goodness. It's the sun at the horizon"
and the rise and fall of tides,
broke the pleasant tranquil at the mesmerizing seaside.
Said he "I want to go to the other side",
where no one ever reached and his tracks would be the only guide.
His footsteps gathered pace,
and he started to chase the life!
this sunset he thought to be sun rise,
and this misunderstanding was his only drive.
"Run, run fast run!"
nothing's there to look back and turn
"Should I or should i not!",he thought,
with self he initiated,his own confront.
finally, he did looked back!
and realized the waves completely perished his track!
Every step he took towards life,was like
every person he was attached, while alive
but the moment he tried to move on,
the person disappeared like the foot prints
which were long gone!
Jan 2015 · 3.5k
That Bargain!
Pranoot Hatwar Jan 2015
"25 lakhs, that's gigantic!!" they cried
" 20, no less or you may leave  "
"but! ....  ok!"
"congratulations! we'll tell you the marriage dates!" and left
sometimes somethings are wrong and yet they follow!
This should be stopped!
Jan 2015 · 2.0k
Pranoot Hatwar Jan 2015
The structural spine
of every mesmerizing art,
Is to ***** what they say
and follow your heart!!
Jan 2015 · 990
Wake up !!
Pranoot Hatwar Jan 2015
The loud knock woke him,
"Who are you? you killed my dream.. " he cried in agony,
"Society! what they call me "
Jan 2015 · 378
Maiden Voyage
Pranoot Hatwar Jan 2015
Scared, nervous and anxious he was,
For it was his first time.
He hoped for some,
courage what they call it !
He wished to be amongst those who did it in first attempt.
And Yes he was successful in his first !
and yes he gathered ​some !!
​courage what they call it !​
Some ​say​ 'life is not counted in breaths you take
But ​in moments that take your breath away'
His feat what he'd like to call it,
did the same!
took away ​others' breath..
​ ​And his own​ Want​ing to chase his dream was his only fault.
No one ever​ understood this untill he wrote
 " I Quit !" on his walls ….
Aug 2014 · 2.4k
Coup !
Pranoot Hatwar Aug 2014
He raised Voice,
"Power is people,
Royalty is not ! "
And the blood of his
Rejuvenated the fire !!
Just came up with this while in Physics Lecture
Aug 2014 · 861
Ahoy !
Pranoot Hatwar Aug 2014
At, twelve he wasn't just a boy, ahoy!
Stout cute tender, was he the boy, ahoy!
Moments before he met someone who was not a boy ! Ahoy!
Skipped a beat or 2, the heart ! Ahoy!
Blue gown it was and indeed the smile, which blushed the boy ! Ahoy!
No wonder the boy found his Helen of Troy! Ahoy!
For the world seems to be only her, it was love what he felt the boy! Ahoy!
The horsemen gathered around her, from nowhere came the Roy ! Ahoy!
Grabbed her wrist,
When she tried to resist,
She cried for help, but the boy ! Ahoy!
But the boy, couldn't utter for he was stupefied, for whence he saw her die, with his own eye!
The twilight saw two souls die! Ahoy!
The anger, vengeance isn’t kid’s toy! Ahoy!
Craved for the head of the Roy, the boy, Ahoy!
Desired for the blood of Roy, the boy, Ahoy!
Vengeance gathered courage, foots stepped towards the Roy! Ahoy!
**** the Roy was what he knew, the boy, Ahoy!
Foots gathered pace, faster, faster echoed in mind of the boy, Ahoy!
THUD!  Tranquil was in the ambience, no sight of joy!
Scream of boy broke the ice! Made turn around the Roy! Ahoy!
For the boy was soaked in blood, was shot in heart by the guards, boy! Ahoy!
The Roy was stunned to hear the boy cry, for he uttered the last phrase, the boy! ahoy!
“ you’ve killed me twice Roy!
You killed me twice same night, Ahoy! ”
Its my first attempt ! :D

— The End —