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Bill Baley bought the bank down on Boulder street
He rode the bus to work
years for every week

He always sat his
orbed *** down
upon the same old seat
The one you know with a view that was always so oblique

He liked the way the wind would swirl and
blow the trash around
It was a poor man's cheap ballet
but without the sound

If threatened . . .  with change . . . then he'd begin to fret
Just considering the consequences always made him sick

(Sometimes he'd get so riled he'd became a ****)

No one robs a bank these days
nor steals a railroad train
They'd illegally transfer digital money
and that's how they've named the game

If you stroke or tap the key
you'll become a millionaire
Join the frequent flyers club and go mostly anywhere  

Well Bill's bank on Blouder street
had all of its money drained
They took out everything
turning his blood icy in the vein

Bill then lost his everything . . .
His bank his house his cat
Even had to give up the blue Siberian Yak

He became a homeless man
and drifted with the wind
He never knew tomorrow or the troubles it would send

Someone stole the shoes
he wore
while he was drunken sleep
and he became another refugee begging on the street

As far as survival skills
he was worse than even lame
Most people avoided looking
thinking he was all to blame

Poor Bill Baley froze to death
On one of those freaking polar nìghts
The frigid northwest winds made sure he was a frozen white

They took his remains
to the mortuary
The city had contracted them to dispose of indigents
with their crematory

He was torched by flames
that rose above the city
Now at this point and time I say purely it's a pity

For after all crime does pay  
yet it kills , ruins lives
and slanders
And we are the goose looking on stretching necks to gander

Now-a-days no one sits
on the bus
that Bill would use to take
The bus route run there was decided that they'd eliminate

Now nothing but black faces blankly stare when you're staring back
Those are the people who were born with no claim to either side of track

And as for Bill no one remembers now except those who lived aback
And not too many live that long
When you're tied down to the track

There is no moral to this story
No bands or whistles or
parades of glory

For what little we have will be taken away
. . .
when they open up the gateway
I remember when rain would fall
in diamond sheet and icy wall
that I would watch leave yet always come again

there was no malice that I knew
that would be later planted
and bear a bitter bloom

I remember when snow and frost
bore more feeling than winters loss
of merry time, rare and hard to hold

of shades and ghosts that only now
exist in memory and in shroud
how could we save every second before the cloud

time then like moth and night
was both beautiful and blind in sight
don’t forget you stand where I stood

you follow the echo of my hearts beats
tracing them through life's dark streets
a map of mistakes I left for you

strive on my failings
fly higher than me
you are the me I wish I could be

because you will know just how I failed
and what I could have done to prevail
but fate loves you more than I

I only tell you now my thought
to spare the hurt to be begot
from pondering thoughts deep and dark

not to dwell on such things too long
no matter the answer is life still goes on
and there’s nothing we can do to change that.
the breeze tastes of strawberries
and the sun
swaying towards the horizon
in the deepening sky
pleasures my metronome thoughts
like her hips
as the music catches her

rolling and tumbling
when the rhythm in the salted air
matches the one she finds
in the place she goes
on moonful nights

where crescent beaches linger
singing in her hands
with mother of pearl choirs
strung around her shoulders

in the ashen light
waves roll in
cresting on her
powdered sugar *******

and coral reef lips
leave their mark
crimson stains
on a leeward palm tree

having run aground
under a sky spread map
of misaligned stars
I search for grace
in the shadow of her eye
I walked the woods today,
strolled under the quite shade of
towering old growth evergreens,
their scent upon me conveyed
simple peaceful solitude, there were
birds and squirrels unconcerned
with me, busy with their own pursuits.
A young Buck Deer browsing raised his
antlered head for a quick peek, then went
right back to eating. For a moment I felt as
if I was the only human in the world and
that thought did not disturb me in the least.
I do not know much about
loneliness, I have never felt it.
That makes me a rather lucky
person. Perhaps unusual.
As I fall asleep
I hear the snakes hissing under my bed

I discovered them when I was a little girl
the first time one crawled up under my skirt

they left marks all over my body
scars I can't remove

I still find myself scrubbing so hard
trying to remove their mark

I still dream that they are all over me
I can't make them go away
I don’t know if I’m that good at convincing my loved ones that I’m ok.
Or if they simply don’t care as much as they say they do.
Balloon strings

at a children's

birthday party
Spy pigeon, oh spy pigeon,
perched high across my window
Bio engineered and slave,
Remote robot to unseen
master's master's whims
Chip in brain, camera in eye,
satcoms under its feathers
But Nature still reigns,
for here comes lady pigeon,
and off they flew and never return
flower, one flower,
how gentle
how fleeting
how loved.
how needed
A little autistic girl sits
on a wooden pony,
stuck on the carnival ride,
surrounded by flashing lights,
repetitive circus music,
and noisy crowds.

The spinning around
and going up and down
has her disconnected from herself.

She’s scared this ride will never end.

She cries out,

I’m done now!
I want to get off!
I want it to stop!
I need my mommy…

But no one hears —
her voice, trapped deep inside,
claws at her throat.
She chokes on the silence
but no matter how hard she tries,
it won’t come out.

The ride goes on.
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