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 Jun 6 Polar
Betty H
Alone on a dark blue sea
I sit in my small wooden boat
ponder my being, my life, my demise
my sea life friends embrace me

Alone, I wonder if this emptiness
is real or a dream
I search for the moon’s smile
to lighten my mood
I fear the darkness

Alone, I wonder if some soul desires me
I scan the night skies
white, yellow stars blink
perchance some hope

Alone, tears roll down my weathered face
hawks and seagulls shroud me
attempt to absorb their concern
hear whispers nearby
to alter my fire
take a chance on one’s pipe dream
 Jun 6 Polar
Betty H
 Jun 6 Polar
Betty H
I ride the waves of sorrow
to join eternal bliss
I await a kindly person
to plant a gentle kiss
 May 17 Polar
everything costs something
some things much more than others
and what one person considers cheap
another will have a deeper understanding of the cost
 May 17 Polar
Riz Mack
 May 17 Polar
Riz Mack
and if I reply
in just the right way
then maybe you'll like
what I have to say

and we'll talk until
the night meets the sun
and almost forget
we both were someone's

I'll go back to yours
and you'll say you're mine
then we'll both get lost
in soft skin and time

they'll call it love
and we'll both agree
'til we've had enough
of what they believe

then we'll say goodbye
and you'll walk away
as if I replied
in just the right way
bad ending
Democracy will not come
Today, this year
   Nor ever
Through compromise and fear.

I have as much right
As the other fellow has
  To stand
On my two feet
And own the land.

I tire so of hearing people say,
Let things take their course.
Tomorrow is another day.
I do not need my freedom when I'm dead.
I cannot live on tomorrow's bread.

      Is a strong seed
      In a great need.

      I live here, too.
      I want freedom
      Just as you.
I don't think electricity was invented back then when I was a boy so we saved flashes of lightning in old pickle jars and we had a candle in the barn in case of emergency.

A backup was useful unless it was the toilet and then that was useless,
We could never have foreseen that back then we were really living the dream.
 May 17 Polar
Mrs Timetable
We may not
Be able
To heal
Each others wounds
But we can
That's why we write and share
My almost grown grandsons
see only a stooped withered
old man when they look at me,
no clue of the young man I used
to be. Or where I have been, the
things I've done. They've only
known me like this. Even 20
years ago, when they were born
I was already a senior citizen.

In my mirror I also see what they
see and can barely recall that
once upon a time younger me.

Time moves on leaving erosion
behind upon mountains and
people too.
Erosion on mountains is
a slow process, we humans
are not that fortunate.
here's one for life's pocket folder
we're not getting old
we're just getting older
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