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 Oct 2024 el
silent chaos
 Oct 2024 el
i rarely speak,
too busy thinking,
my mind whirring all the time,
silent yet full of noise.
it never stops.. does it?
 Aug 2024 el
أنا حَبيبةٌ لإمرأةٍ تعشقُها الأكوان
فالنّجوم ترقص لها كأنها فراشٌ في بُستان
و القَمرُ بنورِه يضيءُ طريقُها، طريقَ الأحلامْ
  و السماءُ فوقها تُمطر عليها فَتسقيها مياهَ حنانْ
و الشمسُ تُشرِقُ كُل صبَاحٍ لِتُعانقَ جَسَدها شبيهَ البَان
فتَقفُ الطيور مُصطَفة تُلقي التَحيةَ بأعذَب الألحَان
مَحبوبتي تَمشي، فَتتفتَحُ في دَربِها الأزهَار
و أنا زَهرَةُ ياسَمينٍ تفَتحت للقيا فاتِنتها، فتَبسمتْ لها الأقدار
الغزالُ ينحَني لحُسنها، و الريمُ تَسجُد لعينيها الساحرتان
فحبيبَتي هي سَيدَةُ الجَمَال
فَمن يلومُ الكونَ في حُبها ! فإنه لمْ يَكن جَميلاً حتى أحَبها
 Aug 2024 el
Erica Jong
 Aug 2024 el
Erica Jong
For Naomi Lazard

Sometimes I can't wait until I look like Nadezhda Mandelstam.
-- Naomi Lazard

My friends are tired.
The ones who are married are tired
of being married.
The ones who are single are tired
of being single.

They look at their wrinkles.
The ones who are single attribute their wrinkles
to being single.
The ones who are married attribute their wrinkles
to being married.

They have very few wrinkles.
Even taken together,
they have very few wrinkles.
But I cannot persuade them
to look at their wrinkles
& I cannot persuade them that being married
or being single
has nothing to do with wrinkles.

Each one sees a deep & bitter groove,
a San Andreas fault across her forehead.
"It is only a matter of time
before the earthquake."
They trade the names of plastic surgeons
like recipes.

My friends are tired.
The ones who have children are tired
of having children.
The ones who are childless are tired
of being childless.

They love their wrinkles.
If only their were deeper
they could hide.

Sometimes I think
(but do not dare to tell them)
that when the face is left alone to dig its grave,
the soul is grateful
& rolls in.
 Aug 2024 el
 Aug 2024 el
i killed my succulent today.
its leaves swelled, mushed,
and lost its vibrant green hue.
its body began to separate,
and plop lifeless on my windowsill.
i never know when to stop giving.
i give and give too much.
i didn't allow my love time
to dry out between waterings.
i wish it knew the depth of my heart,
that i never meant to make its roots rot,
but i give and give too much.
 Apr 2024 el
 Apr 2024 el
the moment a poet
falls in love with you

is the moment
you live

f o r e v e r
 Apr 2024 el
Balsamic Moon
 Apr 2024 el
We swim inside
the balsamic moon
rippling in laughter,
from the meeting
of our bodies still
in water,
touched by life
but not by time,
Together, we sail
in silver currents
circling bends
slowly as the river
that once carried us
empties into an
ocean dream, and
like sediments too,
we distill into
For those of us born under a waning crescent
 Apr 2024 el
f e e l i n g s
my heart aches for you in ways that it shouldn't.
you were my breath of fresh air and all of a sudden i couldn't breathe.
tell my why you made so many promises you knew you could not keep.
have you already forgotten me?
my love, i'm drowning in your silence,
please tell me it was real.
 Mar 2024 el
Donall Dempsey

I like to say
your name

when you're
not here

turn you
into sound

conjure you out of
thin air

so that you appear
before me

dressed in sound

memory sketching in
the rest of you

as if sound
was just an outline

and love
colours you in

adding the voice last
so I can hear you say.

"Hello you..!"
and there you are

as present
as present

can be.

I like to say
your name

when you're
not there.
 Mar 2024 el
 Mar 2024 el
words moved me, and
i wanted my fingers to blister and my
bones to ache
but my mind withers and my heart breaks
i swallowed ink and still i couldn’t
make the words flow like they used to as if
almost as if
they refuse to
 Mar 2024 el
welcome mat
 Mar 2024 el
someone told me i fall for kind people because i can't stop letting everyone walk all over me, and at least the kind ones will try not to leave bruises. and i laughed like it was a joke and i was the punchline, but i found another bruise in the mirror last night.

i fell for another kind person, but the problem is that kind people lie. and i never know how to distinguish the black and white from the grey. i'll never know if you like me because you treat everyone like stardust and glass.

but i actually am stardust and glass. i am precious and fragile and everywhere and i need to be held. i want it to be by you. but people that weren't as kind already broke me and now if you touch me the way i want you to you'll cut yourself. and blood doesn't wash out of a doormat.

so i don't initiate conversation. i hope you can't see my broken heart on my sleeve because it has your initials written on it in ink. i haven't decided how close i'll let you look. but maybe one day i'll let you walk all over me and hope that i feel like home.
so anyway, i have a crush <3
back to my regularly scheduled simping <3

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