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135 · May 2020
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Erin Riley May 2020
My flesh and my thoughts
meet in the mirror.
They argue right in front of me.
Like resentful parents
picking their stories apart
as if I’m not there
waiting for a happy ending.
I am invisible.
The cursing doesn’t stop.
It only gets louder
when they come to an agreement
that this home,
the skin I walk into every day
and the mind that used to wander
with her head up
is too broken for anyone to love.
This poem is about my first toxic relationship: body image. It's terribly sad to think about how our bad experiences as teenagers leave a lasting impression because our minds, bodies, and souls are so fragile around that time. I wish I was taught how to love myself no matter who hurt me or made me feel like I wasn't enough. If I ever have children, it's definitely what I'm teaching them.
133 · Apr 2020
#1 Player
Erin Riley Apr 2020
One day
you’ll see the puzzle
you’ve created.

Or maybe
I’m just a piece
that you purposely lost.

Because you know
I would complete you.
But you are not ready
to be whole.

I hope you find
what you're looking for
as you kick off new games
to leave in the dark.
133 · Apr 2020
Tidal Ways
Erin Riley Apr 2020
I rise like the
waves and
crash like
them too.

I am a body
of water
That’ll send
a ripple
down your
spine when
you dive in.

— The End —