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I am white clouds
Blue sky drifting
Apart from me cicadas buzz loudly
Bare back on hot cedar planks
Mindfulness in bloom
Ideas like dandelion seeds
Arise before floating beyond the roof line
I am time—
The lawnmover engine turns,
reality returns.
A family came to our farm,
friends of my son. I had not
been around,  even seen
small kids in a long while,
from my porch I watched the
two boys under six and their
sister of three, as they raced
about the property, to the barn
to see the animals first, then
to bounce on the trampoline,
soon into the above ground pool
to cool off, splashing, playing.
Their little excited sing-song
voices like music to my ears.

I longed to get closer, to talk
to them, just to be near this
magical aura that small children
radiate, this purity of heart,
this unbridled gist for living.

Alas, needs for social distancing
got squarely in the middle.
So many important things have
been lost to this spreading plague,
most of all far too many people,
altered things and life that used to
be even for the living, distancing
us from friends and family.
Common sense requires adjustments
and adherence. Time before we
can return to our old normal ways
and life. We must all do the right
thing, even it it hurts. Until a
vaccine, there is no other choice.
Dragged the body to the summit
Hurt like Hell, in a fractional way,
Cobbled together a frank admission
That I was never one to pray.

Always played the mission my way
Struggled through with ups and downs,
kissed the girls, when they would let me..
Avoided fools and cussed the clowns.

Some mates endured the hot seal highway
Some expired along the way,
Those that mattered kept it up
Them that didn't, slid away.

Guess communication matters
Misunderstanding breeds contempt
Always thought I spelt it out right?
Maybe lied to circumvent.

Another breath, another day
It seems to roll along,
Regret I ****** forgot the words
Now I can't recall the song.

Bitter pill, this restitution
Can't quite, really, come to terms.
Love, they say, is of the essence...
How come, then, one never learns?

Robbed the day of all the meaning
Catalogued the blatant theft,
Endured the brittle conscience cleaning
Now there aint much, actually, left.

Gotta go, I've said my piece
Perhaps you've even listened?
Though, I wouldn't bet the house,
Cos Jesus Christ aint yet been Christened.

Flat Earth Friday
7 August 2020
you sit
**** on mango skin
the juice on your chin
drips on
basil leaves,
your hands already wet
before the rain
we watch the yellow mountains
spring back to life
verdant, almost emerald
green foliage tender at the end of summer,
nourished by the dead roots
beneath softened soil.
Thrice I promised clemency, thrice I laid them down
And thrice I played my cards wrong which led me, love, to frown.

Recalling how it went, love, when we were, but, two bairns,
We romped amid the heather and leapt across the cairns.
Joyously we ran through youth as only youth deserve
And adolescence chased us hard to tax our hot reserve.

Love and lust co-mingled there to thread our gauntlet long
Though conscience ran a ragged race to countenance our song
Just one of us survived it all and one threw in the towel
Though both endured to struggle on despite the gossips' prowl.

Despite the prim expressions, despite the churlish tone,
Despite outraged opinion, we each, as one, alone....
Went our separate ways despite the searing love we felt
Tho, to capitulate to tumult, we bent the knee and knelt....

Broken hearts and searing pain determined how cards fell
You chose, alone, to end it all, as far as I can tell.
Hollow in this vacuum of agonizing night
The meaningless tomorrows extend in endless flight...

So thrice I pondered clemency, thrice I laid me down
Yet thrice we played the Jack of Clubs .....
Which led us, both, to drown.

31 July 2020
This isn't a poem,
it's a thank you to the
HP community for
all their support and love.
I'm in treatment and working
******* my addiction,
but I woke up with a
heart full of gratitude,
not to sound sappy, but
I love you all.  Carpe Diem,
and let the ink flow.
Thank you HP I love you guys.  BLT, Carlos, South City Lady, Love Storytelling, Woody, Traveler, Samantha, so many, too many to list, and I have to go to group, you've been timetabled, Mark, Cloudy Daze, Fawn, Gideon, Glass
Slipper,  Girl, Diya, M-E, Whit Howland, Mrs Time table, Sarita, Cat, Clementine, Amanda, Lori, Stephen E. Yokum, Natt, many! to you all ap, Beautifully Broken. Guy, Mellani, Sarita...Love you all...Keep on writing.  Weeping Willow, Elizabeth.
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