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Amanda In Scarlet
London, UK    I love that moment of connection and the lump in your throat when you find a really special poem. And I've read many, many special ...
26/F/Phoenix    I had to choose between boredom and vulgarity and I chose vulgarity.
Sam August
Boston    So many words. Read between the lines and ye shall find. "Follow your nose!"
PH    "you are the smell before rain. you are the blood in my veins."
Randy Johnson
Tennessee    I was born in Middlesboro Kentucky in 1971. I've lived in Tennessee for most of my life. My hobbies are writing song lyrics/poetry and drawing. ...
just north of ordinary    Under construction. Dreaming out windows. Want to hear me read it? Please visit: I have two eBooks on Amazon.
Pradip Chattopadhyay
I’m a Bengali in sombrero An Indian from Kolkata I live at a stone’s throw From where flows the Ganga.
Kody dibble
Can you live and die within one breathe?
Geetha Raj
I remember penning poems and stories as a kid. Maintaining my personal dairy since I was hardly 8 years old has over the years helped ...
NYC    I use words to paint pictures; from my mind to your world, provide they have the power to move you. All poetry is © copyrighted. ...
Colten White
Nebraska    philocalist
Abdullah Ayyash
M/Uder the burning sun...    “Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, Or what's a heaven for?” Robert Browning
rained-on parade
Sheffield, England    Sylvie. You don't know me yet.
28/F/Canada    Sarah Ahmed
North Carolina    Hello, friends.
24/M    I couldn’t find what I was looking for in humans, but I found it in between the lines IG devante_393
Egypt    Drunk on poetry. I write to free my soul. Poetry is the only way out of this labyrinth.
We were all born with different hearts
The Girl Who Loves You
Within My Heart    Just writing what I think, what I feel and everything inbetween. As Poe said "All that we see or seem, is but a dream within ...
Yuppy Cups
The world can be too much for those who feel deeply. This life can be so fertile for those who allow it.
Gaurav M
Belle Victoria
F/Montreal, Canada    Omnis cum in tenebris praesertim vita laboret.
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