The epiphanies of my failures and the reaper of reputations strip me to the bone strip me to the bone, and leave me bare to dry licked repeatedly by the incinerating UV rays of humanity. Care not for me. Care not. Hold me never. Laugh, laugh and walk away.
Left to my own, my ingenuity. I build myself, I create myself. I unbrainwash myself! Years of reconstruction. I succeed to emerge a greatness. An inner entity of amazement. No one understands.
Failure? I wonder.. Pain always lingering in the depths. Inadequacies, *******. I push past, deal with, and battle face to face. To leave dismembered on the floor. Step on it, stomp it deep. plunge it down to surface again in light.
ME hold me, love me if your able. Never take for granted, my soul, not of this life. This place, these people, this society. I am light. Capable of so many inconceivable things. I am light I need only when I let myself need. I need you, only if to see me. The true me, The me no one can possibly see. I cry, I love, I feel, I am awakened!