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Dec 2014
I used to always find myself lost in her gaze,
Like I would look at her and suddenly I knew my place.
Now I feel like I'm just lost in a daze,
As if my depression is forming a maze.

She would always just look up at me and chuckle,
Making my heart race and my knees almost buckle.
Now she just looks at me like I'm trouble,
Making my heart scream but I keep it muffled.

We would go places and she'd never let go of my hand,
Like she was saying "he's mine" without leaving a brand.
Now she got rid of our photos because us together is a thought she can't stand,
And she acts like I never existed which I just can't understand.

When we were together, she always whispered she loved me.
Now we're apart, and she only screams that she hates me...
Justin Stewart
Written by
Justin Stewart
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