G-d knows I have tried but he did nothing to help me.
I met my father at the end of the world in a soundless meditation; the still waters surrounded us on some obsolete island, but he could offer me nothing apart from the same watery smile I find in the mirror each time I drink.
Love came to me once but I never felt worthy of it.
Since then, human touch was reduced to formulaic platitudes; a handshake from unerring acquaintances and embraces from old friends that always end too soon. It is hard to be kind to yourself when your bed is resolutely vacant.
Words may come to comfort others but I am tired of hearing my voice.
Self-worth was lost to cigarette butts and a loose grip on my sanity; tasteless food sits in my mouth and I can no longer appreciate the fruits of privilege and shelter. I am shielded from the rain but the winter still finds me.
G-d knows I am doing my best. It never quite seems enough.