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Dec 2014
Beside the gate,
He awaits.
Waiting for a sign.

Waiting to see,
If she is still alive.
Among the fallen.

War wrecked the field,
That was once a meadow.
Where they kissed,
Under the moon.

He still waits.
Patient to collect his bride.
The one he said "I love you" too.
The one he adores in time.

The battlefield,
Covered in blood.
By her doing,
The beast he knows.

A flicker of movement,
Wings outstretched.
He sees her emerge,
Carrying a child like him.

His eyes glint,
With salty tears.
His love has returned.
In full view.
Dark Jewel
Written by
Dark Jewel  20/F/Greenville, SC
(20/F/Greenville, SC)   
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