She said she wore me like a used shoe Said I was uncomfortable, my Soul Weak Holed "What thehell" Said if she could of, she would of, Have strung me up long ago, Tied me to the highest place And watch me just hang, Motionless, Silent, Swinging, She would tell children I was A piñata Go on kids hit the F#cker harder, I was an odd pair, But even though she hated those shoes She said she had worn me For so long that even though "I hurt her" She couldn't wear anything different Some shoes however unconfutable You can never truly hate And she said "As long as you let me wear you" "No matter how painful upon her feet" "I will wear you for a life time" Even though I hurt her Never meaning too, but such is life, She said I smelt funny sometimes But she would wear me everyday if she could.