2am I'm addicted to heartache The kind that rips you apart inside Leaves you shaking Tears streaming down your face
3am The moon bright in your eyes Sparkling behind the moisture Sobs wrack my body The stars seem to be falling from the sky This feeling is what I know best
4am All is quiet The night doesn't make a sound Theres nothing left to come out Tears have dried And my mind is numb I feel nothing Hollow and empty This feeling is all too hauntingly familiar
5am The morning approaches And I am still awake Staring at the wall Nothing left
6am Time to get up Plaster a smile on my face Smear concealer under my eyes And pretend like those dark circles aren't there
9am Everyone is oblivious But I know That tonight I'm going to go through it all again
I wrote this pretty quickly on a whim tonight. I like it.