What sights are seen around this flower cart The ever changing sea of humanity The exciting sounds that shout about life, young and old alike living to the fullest and some unfortunately not Young and old busying themselves in fast-foot-paces Vendors of every nationality pre-existing into one nation Besides a lot of people stopping long enough... to buy and smell the flowers
I raise my petals to the sun, sitting in this whitened cart a fragrance bundled joy... Please take me home and gently whisper close to me... I'll send you to my love forever be
Filled to the brim with goodies for your nose and colors for your eyes, while in the middle of beehive hustling this whitened cart of ours holds little flowery kisses helping to kiss away your hectic day Here time stands still for you and entwined magic leafy flower wands help change your worldly view A kindly wink from nature A kindly gift from you...
I once fantasized a fantasy of lilacs of ferns of forget-me-nots and many more
All herded two by two onto a pushing ark-cart of white
But soon a flood of humanity encircled that ark-cart you see And soon they stormed their yearnings for fresh fragrance for lilacs for ferns for forget me notes and many more
And the outcome was a pleasant calamity as you can easily see For those blossoms were all swept overboard, caught in the wavy arms by the sea of humanity...