Depression is a deep dark treacherous pit, in which confined me for years, I'm just now starting to stay away from it, I used to always get out and fall back in, now I'm free of it. I get sad from time to time, but I overcame my depression. It's almost killed me more than once. I had a hard life, drugs didn't help it. I've been drug free for almost 4 months now, and I'm more happy than I've ever been, and I literally have nothing, but I know that I don't have the anxieties I had when, I was wheeling and dealing and running and gunning.
wrote this as a comment to someone figured I would post it since I do feel strongly about this. I've been clean for near 4months been trying to get clean for years and I'm finally getting it, I'm a lot happier now. I'm not trying to dog on drug users and dealers I'm just saying that it does work you do make money you do have fun, but I'm happier without that fun. I ruined a lot of lives and their blood is on my hands because of the things I did, I can never change what I've done, I can only change what I do.