It's calling my name Soft as a whisper But I muster up the strength and walk away
Its calling my name Yelling and screaming as if I don't go to it I will die Screaming a blood curdling scream Threatening me with all of its being but I find the courage to walk away
Its calling my name in every conversation gently caressing my face as it says sweet things to me Trying to convince me its a good idea but a sigh and a count to ten I walk away
Calling my name in every laughter tickling my belly reminding me of the old times All the old laughs and jokes we used to have But I push it away and walk away
Calling my name as it wipes away every tear telling me all the lies it has always told " I'll be there for you" " Trust me, we can change the world" "This time won't be like the last" "Just trust me" But I push it away and walk away
It calls my name as my world is crashing down around me whispering everything I need to hear in my ear Making me smile when tears fill my eyes I let my walls come down I still resist it pushing you away then pulling you closer it's touch slides down my throat with a sense of comfort
A rush of guilt floods me As I welcome it back in to my life
Just as I said it would never be apart of my life again I can't leave it behind for the night It shall come home with me Come to bed with me And never leave me
As I allow it to touch me deeper and deeper Ignoring the effects on my judgement Ignoring what tomorrow will be like Because tonight It holds me close
With a comfort no other being has ever given me It whispers my name in my ear in the most beautiful tones How can I ever say goodbye