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Sep 2014
The air,
The pressure.
It suffocates me.

It's undesirable,
As my desperation is at the core.
I long to be by his side.

Scrambling to the top,
Climbing the mountain of decision.
I chose him.
He is mine.
Now and Forever.

My eyes deceive me,
When I see his shadow pass by.
He is states away.
Yet I feel him near.

My love is growing stronger,
The craving is beginning to grow.
Growing everyday,
Stronger than before.

I believe in my heart,
Though is has deceived me,
Countless times.

He will come,
As I await for the knock.
Upon the timely door.

The pressure is consuming me,
My heart is changing me.
Transforming the beast inside.

Forgive me,
My love for you are dear to me.
You have given me this gift,
I take it kindly.

One promise,
Even if this world destroys me.
If I am a lamb,
Led to the slaughter.

I will always love you,
I will always protect you.
My wounds mean nothing,
When I know our bond is strong.

The beast will be subdued...
A poem to the one who I found earlier this year..I thank him greatly... and am Honored.
Dark Jewel
Written by
Dark Jewel  20/F/Greenville, SC
(20/F/Greenville, SC)   
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