She is suffering. Her energy is draining. Day by day, little by little Her thoughts are going deeper Deeper and deeper as the oceans. She is fighting within herself But sadness always dominate. Starting to isolate herself Never going out with friends Always have her own reasons not to This and that, No because Really isolating herself Face always at the web Posting and liking things Things she wish to be glued Glued to her mind and soul But all she wants is someone Someone to push her to encourage her But no one sees it, no one feels it. All of her thoughts She is always fighting it She knows she could make it She knows she could change But at this moment She needs time, longer time She wants to be alone She wants to escape She wants to sleep for a long time She wants to cry But time wouldn't allow her to All she could do is to isolate herself Isolate to protect herself Isolate for her to be strong Isolate for her to realize Realize that to isolate herself is not the answer. Never the answer.