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Aug 2014
Who am I?
The answer is simply a sigh,
For I cannot give a reply,
Because I don't know I.

In school, I'm studious
With friends, I'm funny
Playing sports, I'm super
For relatives, I'm responsible
Musically, I'm marvelous
In front of parents, I'm plenty

All in all I'm an overachiever,
The title I've achieved by achieving.

Yes I get all the praises,
But that doesn't mean they're true.
For behind everyone's smiles,
I can see that their jealousy grew.

Little Miss Perfect,
Is what they call me,
Behind my back they stab,
I'm not blind you see?

Everyone's out for revenge,
They watch me like a hawk,
They wait for me to fail at something,
So for that thing they could mock.

I hate it
I'm tired of it
Can't you see?

I can't help it,
I'm just good at it,
Let me be.

I'm done with your plastic smiles,
I won't need you for a million miles.

I've finally just found me
I finally understand.
I don't need praises to guide me,
I won't need to hold anyone's hand.  

I'm finally walking my own path.
Which is far from yours.
I'm finally walking my own path,
Not crawling on all fours.
I'm finally walking my own path,
I'm confident and free.
I'm finally walking my own path,
To MY destiny.

I no more need to ask Who Am I .
I've figure that part out.
Now everyone will know Who I Am
Without a doubt.
Be yourself even if others don't like it, because someday, the whole world will love you for who you are not who you've pretended to be. :)
Rebel Heart
Written by
Rebel Heart  BetweenTheBrokenWords...
     ---, Purvi Gadia, ryn, SRS, Emo kitty and 7 others
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