Come closer by all means come closer where in a blink pools fix and widen into trackless lakes your eyes unflinching against my own forcing mine to yield to look's vortex power I sink lengthways on to beached magnificence fearing no fences bind this brimming shore desiring all of your cresting feistiness
we close in privacy like a whispered prayer I stoop to overhear furled head to head the feather of your cheek ticked pinker confession spilling loosely off shoulders flowing undressed like some burlesque fantail and I found myself buoyed up on thin air shocked by the vapour in essential oils so lavishly luxurious their condensing iniquity I could only try to endure your body heat by closing my own eyes for a moment but out of focus pours into a concentrate
the control over hands gives me false hope but I find a clearing of purity overwhelms me caught helpless in all I add to mire seeping cruel your lifeline lips offering a hint of moist buoyancy then sinking a ship of plumped up poison purple as inky clouds penetrating my mind the slim tip of your tongue elusively unkind flickering like a searching candle in a cave dripping in irregular beats an anti-doting to form rivulets which in their mystical midst surround a fresh discovered vale to defile
I feel it's formation in an archway of neck the undercurrents freed into giving way you suspend on the bridge an apex and deck my firmly held happiness into crowning cries overflowing from the safety of inner recesses the excesses needing knee breeches on both sides to wade through a drowning press of paradise in on the outstretched reach of a relentless tide
yet gorgeous is its precipitous edging test with bouts of engorged selfishness I hear your eager call in urge return from compliance into shambolic demands until I am summoned to a trembling portal biting on its handles like a moon crazed wolf wanting to escape but in awe of its might that it will capsize and spring open floodgates
plunging me back into dizzy abandonment's past to the captivating idea of a last biting grasp at your sweep-me-up voluptuous swoon so tight on my heart we both go swimming from intakes of breath into open eyes again loving the saltpetre of a spa bath drop descent into rapids extinguishing hot pulsating harm which taunts and scolds me to calm the claim for more days of dangerous vain tainted venom held at bay held aloft by your pressure bandage arms