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Jul 2014
I hope to be not the antagonist
There're stories untold
But I want mine to have happy endings
Just like the old days
When I used to believe in fairy tales.

I am Cinderella
I should be home every midnight
My job was wearing me out
Can't even buy myself
A new pair of shoes
I used to walk miles for years
In order to attain education.

With my eyes that are blind
I wanna see the world
To enjoy life to the fullest
But they who call me Beast
Had entrapped me with absolute darkness
I was the only one left
A survivor of the great fire in our compound
I got my face burnt
And the world has shuttered from vision.

I am her Knight
Not in shining armour
I love her since we were in High School
But she who was my princess not know
And whenever I'm near her
I can't even utter words
To show my feelings out.

They told me I have a lot of potentials
My Mom encouraged me to dream big
For she herself once didn't own one
She asked me to do this and that
Wishing I could be successful someday
But she was murdered by Cancer
All she ever told me
May never come true
For now, I'm simply the Jeanie in the bottle.

I went to the Land of Free
And undergo enhancement several times
I took so much pills
I hold on to myself and became disciplined
In order to achieve this great body
But why do the society keeps on judging?
I know I was manly
I just wanna be happy
Can't they see
The Sleeping Beauty inside of me?

The world is indeed in the dark
All wanna believe in fairy tales
For they seek happiness alone
To not be judged but be loved
To be accepted and have the reason to live.

We don't know the stories behind those lies
Behind the misconception of true beauty
The game became Hide and Seek
Just like how the Dark urges to defeat the Light.

We aren't the masters of our lives
We are characters of different stories
Strangers in the pages of others' journeys
The great Author knows every timeline.

One thing I'm sure is:
There's always a happy ending for us
For it was already written
We just have to believe and trust
The One who wrote ours.
The Poetic Architect
Written by
The Poetic Architect  F/PPC Palawan, Philippines
(F/PPC Palawan, Philippines)   
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