The night has descended on Earth Beauty of the darkness, enlightened by the full Moon Inviting me to join the quiet revelry As, Nature’s musicians are orchestrating the beauty Through music, so ethereal, heard only in quietude I step on to the Nature’s lush carpet; I am engulfed in ecstasy Angels and Fairies mesmerizing with their beauty My heart beat falls into the rhythm of the night I pray to the Moon, let me drink your purity Rid me of all the negativity and pain Been thirsty for a while, shower me with your every drop As I lay bare, I am elevated to a new realization Night has never felt so inviting and tender I pray the whole night, only to be absolved of all pain, suffering and negativity To the Moon, the Fairies and Angels, I owe this new beginning
Been under the weather for quite sometime. I have not been able to write as regularly, I used to. Hope to get back to fit quickly.