the kind of questions I get are about death and shoving addiction in my face I realize that you want peace like I do (we feel the need to explain to you this predicament) I laugh because I have to- (we've got breaking news, Sir Blank Blank Blank has been killed) what a shame that one can leave so soon ' this is the place where the living no longer live the dead live more than they do so I wait to find a way out but the doors are locked and the sirens are going off and the TV turned on by itself to bring me this important message: (Sir Blank Blank Blank has been killed) and I wrote a note for you and your charisma it's on the table when you come into the house
isn't it special and isn't nice they're dropping bombs from the planes tonight
so let your red hair drop a little farther and let my eye be fixated on the idea that when you leave (for good) that one day you'll come back at my door and fall to the ground begging and pleading for me to realize that you loved me more than I loved you but it'll be too late because by then I'll be gone and I'll refuse to turn back on