What if I, in artless youth, had never heard that call to life? Had never gazed upon that beacon And found a world beyond my own? I may have loved my ignorant prison, cherished those gossamer walls of thought, evaded that thirst for wretched freedom, and left alone those dank recesses, content to slink away existence upon existence.
Never would I have borne the timid wings of aspiration--- a sudden quickening: turning ambition, turning desire, turning identity.
Never would I have kissed the sweet earth goodbye, embraced the rush of wind and sky and soared into the enthralling the intoxicating the cavernous-- Big Blue.
Ambition unbound! How did it feel to free the fatal sun-seared wax and flesh, and witness plumed Promise plunge down. down. down. into the gaping sea perhaps resurfacing on some unknown shore?