As I brushed off The six week old dust Off the mirror the other day, I was happily taken aback to see Myself a tad bit prettier, after weeks.
Funnily enough, I had made The mistake of believing my Reflection to be me. Introspection's a better mirror, I reflected. Why does one look into the mirror everyday? To remind himself how, or rather who he is? That opaque shard of glass Could never encompass The zoetic surge of thoughts That have gushed forth from me Since the time I have existed.
I'm sure, the mirror pities It's own lack of identity. Manipulated by reflections Of a myriad kind, The mirror manipulates us thus, Mirroring us and itself In another way. They thought this opaque shard of glass Could contain the infinitude within us. It has only mirrored the illusions We projected each time we looked into it.
I am only distanced from myself Each time I seek to find myself In that stagnant pool of perceptions.
What good is a mirror, which itself is under constant manipulation.