You broke me, but that is nothing new.... I knew you had the means to break me when we were almost something.... I had handed you my most prized possession. I so effortlessly passed myself over, too naive to think about the consequences, or the fact that even though I love you, it didn't mean you loved me..... I knew you broke me when I was sitting in a restaurant too exhausted to cook, breaking down at the table by myself while watching couples who could have been us laughing and eating. I knew you broke me when I hated going to bed and staring up at that stupid dull white ceiling in silence, my mind going over everything I might have done wrong. when sleep came I was finally at peace, but not for long.... I knew you broke me when every morning I dreaded getting up because it meant I had to do another day without you. I knew you broke me when I hated myself, hated how I looked because maybe if I looked better you would have stayed and chosen me. hated how I talked, maybe if i used a softer tone? or more stern? you wouldn't have chosen her? maybe if my eyes were blue? or my hair blonde? I knew you broke me when I was tearing myself apart because you left.... you broke me, but I already knew you would.